A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Sat on a National express bus, someone Is whistling away& a small child is listening/watching nursery rhymes on repeat without headphones. Why are the little things more irritating in enclosed spaces?! (No need to answer that question.)
Put the oven on to pre-heat, gets my food out from the freezer. Get a message on my phone and after replying, notice I need to change the oven temp up by 30. Before I touched it the oven turned off. It blew its fuse and then afterwards it won't heat up. Looks like the element has blown....damn it on a weekend as well......

(its not my oven and it was something beyond my control but we (me and the boyfriend) will both get it in the neck for this happening)
I understand that Sar - I forget how old I am until I look in the mirror !
I’m sure you’re a bit hard on yourself ……❤️

You're losing weight so you are doing something about it. You said on the diet thread that your belt was a hole tighter. You are getting there. Be kind on yourself. How you perceive yourself is not how others see you. You are a lovely person remember that.

I'm putting it down to hormones (being a woman is fun right) but annoyed with myself as was in this position last year and nothing has changed. I wore a dress last week and felt lovely, few days later trousers and a top make me feel awful about myself.

1. The sun we've had this week has brought my itchiness out and I'm scratching so on antihistamines for it. I'm sure I'm allergic to first few days of sunlight that my skin sees
2. I missed the northern lights yesterday
3. Eurovision has been strange this year (and obviously not without its problems) but did anyone else feel a stab of disappointment when the real Abba didn't appear at the interval. I would have thought that 50 years since winning the contest and it being held in Sweden this year would have been the perfeft occasion. One song, for one night only would have been amazing!
I'm putting it down to hormones (being a woman is fun right) but annoyed with myself as was in this position last year and nothing has changed. I wore a dress last week and felt lovely, few days later trousers and a top make me feel awful about myself.

1. The sun we've had this week has brought my itchiness out and I'm scratching so on antihistamines for it. I'm sure I'm allergic to first few days of sunlight that my skin sees
2. I missed the northern lights yesterday
3. Eurovision has been strange this year (and obviously not without its problems) but did anyone else feel a stab of disappointment when the real Abba didn't appear at the interval. I would have thought that 50 years since winning the contest and it being held in Sweden this year would have been the perfeft occasion. One song, for one night only would have been amazing!
Hormones do play a massive part in how we feel ( men and women) - you said you were in this position last year and nothing has changed since then but things haven’t got worse or gone downhill so I’d say that’s a positive for you ! Don’t be too hard on yourself as you’ve mentioned the difficulties you cope with daily which are out of your control ! I think you’re doing great 🥰
I think Eurovision was not great this … it has become political despite what they say. I agree it’s sad that ABBA couldn’t appear for this special occasion ….maybe it’s not that special to them anymore
Unbelievable! First crisis was the taxi breakdown on route to the airport, he fixed it but that was a stressful 45 minutes. Everything at the airport was fine but the transfer stopped at a hotel that was obviously closed for refurbishment! Fortunately instead of just dumping us there he made some phone calls and a friend of his did know the alternative accommodation being used. We got there and the guy on reception didn't have any record of our booking. This was now about one in the morning so we couldn't even go to the bar while we waited for him to sort something out for us. He then appeared with a key so we followed him but he couldn't find the apartment?! We then made our way back to reception where he eventually produced a bunch of keys and we followed him again. This time it was the other apartment block where we discovered the lift wasn't working. I use a walker and hubby a walking stick so this was not ideal. We eventually got everyone and everything upstairs.
The apartment was due to be refurbished so is a terrible state. This was tolerable until we discovered that the toilet doesn't flush because the cold water is turned off so we had to keep putting water in the cistern. We also couldn't shower because the water is too hot.
After long discussions with management in the morning we were informed that there were no other rooms available so we called the travel agent then emailed them. We will be moving over to the other apartment in an hour. It's ground floor in case the lifts break again and because we paid extra for a sea view we have had 3 days stay refunded.
Sorry about the long post!
Oh and also we chose the first place partly for convenience, distance to bars, shops, bars etc ( I know I said bars twice!) this place is at least a mile from anything! 😭
I’m so sorry your holiday has got off to a disappointing start. They cost a fortune and are so looked forward to. I hope your stay gets better. X
I’m glad they’ve sorted a better apartment - you can now enjoy your holiday !
Take care , deep breaths and relax 🥰
The OH has Man Flu and is clearly dying. His Mum came over like she does every Sunday and one of the first things she said to me was "Don't catch his cold will you?" I thought that it wasn't exactly something on my "To Do" List. But I said that I wouldn't as I didn't want a cold on top of hay fever as that would be bad. Then she said "You got hay fever then?" to which I replied that yes and thought and like I have for the other 39 years that you've known me! Then she said that she didn't mean that it would be bad if I got his cold on top of hay fever just that we were going on holiday. I thought that's great! It clearly wouldn't matter to her if I get hay fever and a cold then if we weren't going on holiday. I said to my OH this morning that he wouldn't be getting any sympathy out of me and he replied "thanks for that" and I said back to him "Well you don't give me any sympathy when I my hay fever's so bad I can hardly function. It works both ways".
I thought it was after 8pm because of how dark it is


And then I heard the several seconds long rumble of thunder. But no lightning, I don't think it's going to hit here properly. I like a good thunderstorm, I don't want cheated out of one!

Edit - it's here. Overhead here. The window's still ajar, it's tipping it down, constant flashes, constant rumbles, and there's air. So much air. I've closed the door so they won't feel it downstairs but I'm not ranting anymore. I'm loving it!
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I love a thunder storm too. But my mother in law hates them and is petrified of them so I feel bad for her when I’m enjoying it. Hope it heads down south. 🤞🏻
I was very busy in the garden yesterday and this morning getting jobs done in anticipation of todays promised thunderstorms. I particularly wanted to empty as much water as I could from the full water butts into buckets so the butts could fill up again. Around 3pm the sky went very dark over the SW, looked like it was heading our way. There were several rumbles of thunder in front of us, next thing I knew was a rumble behind me as it headed towards Gloucestershire! The sky here went blue again and out came the sun. I love hot sunny weather but with a newly planted veg patch we are going to be using a lot of water for a few days while everything settles in. Besides I love thunder storms.
Before the final “grand finale” physical incident, I went to the doctor with my husband. The nurse asked if he felt safe at home (as required). When the doctor came in, I asked her why they ask with the spouse right there.
“Abuse victims don’t admit they are unsafe. If someone claims abuse, I know they are lying, so I ignore them.”
That is my rant. Of course abuse victims are silent, but calling them a liar is why!
Bryce's leg started to hurt again this evening. But it was my fault. I held him wrong just before I put him down. I think I either squeezed him hard and his leg was squeezed or his legs was positioned wrong when I held him before I put him down. I was so annoyed with myself, and it didn't help that hubby's blaming me. 😭💔 Bryce was doing good today and eating by himself. I didn't even have to give him CC because he was having a good day. And then this happened. 😭😭
Not happy took caravan in for service at 8am this morning. Out of the 5 things we told them about in December, they only the fixed 2 that were easy. The other 3 issues they couldn't do because they didn't have the parts! They had 5 months to order them in! They told us some shite that they had to see the caravan first cos it was a warranty issue. They expected us to do a 5 hour round trip when the parts come in. Er .... I think not! They are happy to post us the parts for us to put them on. (therefore invalidating the warranty but they didn't tell us that. We know that warranty work needs to be done by an approved caravan place or person. That is the whole point of a warranty surely).We'll wait until we get the parts then if they don't come to us to fix them then we will start creating Merry Hell. The only reason we came to Bicester was to get the caravan serviced and they couldn't even get THAT right!
The cold taps are fine, it's just the hot. There was definitely hot water, so I'm guessing it's something to do with the water tanks. On the bright side, the shower still works...but I wanted a bath, lol.
Before the final “grand finale” physical incident, I went to the doctor with my husband. The nurse asked if he felt safe at home (as required). When the doctor came in, I asked her why they ask with the spouse right there.
“Abuse victims don’t admit they are unsafe. If someone claims abuse, I know they are lying, so I ignore them.”
That is my rant. Of course abuse victims are silent, but calling them a liar is why!
I'd fire that doctor. They aren't supposed to even ask that question when their is another person with you. Every time I am in the hospital with my husband, the staff normally send my husband on a random assignment so they could ask me that question.