A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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The overnight temps have dropped again. I made the mistake of thinking the temp wouldn't plummet last night like it did and I woke up to a 15° bedroom, and needed the heating on for twice as long this morning to get it back around 18°.

I think I got spoiled only needing it in for an hour twice a day.
My OH said that he would hoover on Sunday last week so, naturally, I didn't get the hoover out and do it myself. Did it happen? Er no! So I said to him on Monday that he forgot to hoover the day before and could he do it. Did he do it? Er no! When the hoovering wasn't done by Friday, I said to him that I thought he was going to do the hoovering and he clearly hadn't done it. His excuse? It's my fault because I didn't remind him! How? He told me he'd do it, I believed him. If I waited for him to remind me to do stuff in the house, it would be a tip! I just do it cos it needs doing.
My OH said that he would hoover on Sunday last week so, naturally, I didn't get the hoover out and do it myself. Did it happen? Er no! So I said to him on Monday that he forgot to hoover the day before and could he do it. Did he do it? Er no! When the hoovering wasn't done by Friday, I said to him that I thought he was going to do the hoovering and he clearly hadn't done it. His excuse? It's my fault because I didn't remind him! How? He told me he'd do it, I believed him. If I waited for him to remind me to do stuff in the house, it would be a tip! I just do it cos it needs doing.
Did he do it?
Argh. I got a message 10 minutes ago from Royal Mail saying hey, we're sorry, but the box we should've delivered by yesterday, well we couldn't get to your address so we'll see you on our next working day. Not only is that Monday but I've had to put off doing the washing all damned day so I could hear the door and now it's too late in the evening. I'm actually enraged. I'll phone them tomorrow when I'm calmer and unlikely to say stuff I'll forget but good grief I'm fuming. Two days of having to put off the damned washing.
My OH said that he would hoover on Sunday last week so, naturally, I didn't get the hoover out and do it myself. Did it happen? Er no! So I said to him on Monday that he forgot to hoover the day before and could he do it. Did he do it? Er no! When the hoovering wasn't done by Friday, I said to him that I thought he was going to do the hoovering and he clearly hadn't done it. His excuse? It's my fault because I didn't remind him! How? He told me he'd do it, I believed him. If I waited for him to remind me to do stuff in the house, it would be a tip! I just do it cos it needs doing.
A MONTH ago when we were looking at another hoover for upstairs as the one we have is really heavy and we are both too decrepit to keep carrying it up, someone offered us one. I politely refused as it's not an upright and using a cylinder one absolutely kills my back. Hubby said yes please "I'll do all of the upstairs hoovering"
It hasn't left the airing cupboard......
A couple has decided I am depressed because I won’t engage with them. I quite literally think they are brainless twits. Why would I want to have anything to do with them?
Now, I have to listen to their thoughts on helping me.

Someone once went to someone else we know and said I had monk on with them (their exact words!) I did not like the way this person treated other people and had decided to directly avoid them as much as possible. There was no "monk on" but a firm decision to not engage at all with this person.
Someone once went to someone else we know and said I had monk on with them (their exact words!) I did not like the way this person treated other people and had decided to directly avoid them as much as possible. There was no "monk on" but a firm decision to not engage at all with this person.
What does monk on mean 😳 I tried to figure it out but failing miserably.

I’m finding things a little hard at the moment. Trying to stay positive but feel crap about my abilities. This too shall pass!
And I miss having piggies to go feed and give me comfort! 🥰
What does monk on mean 😳 I tried to figure it out but failing miserably.

I’m finding things a little hard at the moment. Trying to stay positive but feel crap about my abilities. This too shall pass!
And I miss having piggies to go feed and give me comfort! 🥰
Sorry you're not feeling good at the moment. You're highly talented...we all have imposter syndrome sometimes.

I don't know what monk on means either!
I'm sorry you are feeling down @Siikibam I hope this feeling will pass quickly and you will realise how talented you are.

I've never heard the expression monk on before. I don't have a clue what it means, you are not alone on that one!
What does monk on mean 😳 I tried to figure it out but failing miserably.

I’m finding things a little hard at the moment. Trying to stay positive but feel crap about my abilities. This too shall pass!
And I miss having piggies to go feed and give me comfort! 🥰

I miss having pigs too, they definitely kept me busy! Gave the best cuddles too, one of mine was a proper lap pig.

Sorry you're not feeling good at the moment. You're highly talented...we all have imposter syndrome sometimes.

I don't know what monk on means either!

I'm sorry you are feeling down @Siikibam I hope this feeling will pass quickly and you will realise how talented you are.

I've never heard the expression monk on before. I don't have a clue what it means, you are not alone on that one!

Sorry! I definitely went in to full on Northern speak then. Monk on basically means to be annoyed with/in a bad mood with (I had to google it) so this person was basically trying to complain about me.

Sorry! I definitely went in to full on Northern speak then. Monk on basically means to be annoyed with/in a bad mood with (I had to google it) so this person was basically trying to complain about me.

I did wonder if that'd be it. In Northern Ireland we call that "having a bake on ye like a Lurgan spade". I don't know why we call it that, but we do!
Trying to find new cardboard sheets (I'm almost out of the ones I have, for storing the completed jigsaws) and the money some places were asking were nuts. 70p a sheet unless you want more than ten, in which case it's £3 a sheet. Or 25 sheets for £18 but actually that doesn't include £59.99 for delivery.

I wish that was a typo.
My Hygienist appointment was cancelled a few weeks ago and was rescheduled for today at midday. I walked into Broadstone (1 mile) only to be told it was next week the appointment was for and that I was a week early. I said that I didn't think so as I was on holiday next week so would never have agreed to it. I was then told that the hygienist had needed to leave at 1130 today and I should have been informed, which I wasn't. That was what I was told last time it was cancelled. I made yet another appointment, for June and the Practice Manager said that I would get a discount by way of an apology.

My old Dentist was brilliant but had to sell the Practice due to ill health. It's not been the same since. We have to pay privately for our dental treatment cos it's impossible to find an NHS Dentist down here. You would have thought that as we are paying through the nose for it that at least the service we are (not) getting would be half decent.
That’s awful service from them ! They were not telling the truth !
I’m was a dental hygienist so it’s shame I can’t help …..but I lived in Essex when I was working anyway !
One of the reasons I took early retirement was that scale and polishes were not being done on the NHS anyway 🥲
Biggest cause of tooth loss in adults is gum disease which is what hygienists are great for.
I wish I didn't feel the need to iron all the holiday clothes before I pack them. I know they will be creased when I unpack!
There's nothing like catching sight of yourself in a mirror and practically recoiling in horror at the blob looking back at you!
I understand that Sar - I forget how old I am until I look in the mirror !
I’m sure you’re a bit hard on yourself ……❤️
There's nothing like catching sight of yourself in a mirror and practically recoiling in horror at the blob looking back at you!
You're losing weight so you are doing something about it. You said on the diet thread that your belt was a hole tighter. You are getting there. Be kind on yourself. How you perceive yourself is not how others see you. You are a lovely person remember that.
I was ⅔ through a particularly challenging 500 piece jigsaw and then I managed to tip a can of Pepsi over my board, and 7 or 8 pieces ended up absolutely sodden to the point of no return. Twice in two days now, yesterday it was Pepsi all over the living room floor. Wtf is wrong with my hands? I mean I know what's wrong with them but I haven't had any real issues with them for a bit so it'd be nice if I could continue to not have regular issues with them again.
I ordered something from ebay. It was supposed to arrive today. According to Royal Mail I got it yesterday afternoon and there was a nice little photo showing it on a drive with the Postman's feet as proof of delivery. Problem was, it wasn't my drive. My Postie knows to leave post that won't fit through the letter box in the porch. I immediately got hold of the company on ebay and Royal Mail has started "an investigation". The item had my correct address and postcode on it. How can something with the correct postcode be delivered to the incorrect address? I timed it so that it would arrive before I went on holiday next Wednesday, it'll probably now arrive when I'm away and have to sit in the porch for 10 days!
Wellllll… stop drinking soda! Or, get a sippy cup.

Sadly unless a sippy cup can be guaranteed not to break or otherwise fall apart when they get accidentally dropped or thrown...it's a weight thing. I have mold neurological issues, sometimes my hands forget what their job is and the lighter weight the item the more trouble I have keeping in upright.

And the worst is a sheet of paper. I've had to give up and ask someone else to pick up a page I've dropped far too often because I get a little frustrated when my own attempts hit double digits. Cans are nothing on paper sheets!