A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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We have decided not to take the matter any further. We feel that we'll be flogging a dead horse.
You probably are. Ours is £65 a year for a full 12 months, they are great and even pop the green bin back into the drive and don’t just leave it in the road like they did in North Yorkshire
I have to get my leg/knee x-rayed.

I went in to see the GP assuming he was going to insist I was imagining it. Instead he wants it x-rayed to make sure it's not a bone issue first off. Nothing was wrong with my bloods when they were done in October and my blood pressure is great. My heart rate's fast but mine normally is. He manipulated the leg a bit to find where it does and doesn't hurt (which, incidentally, means it hurts more lol), so sure, x-rays are a good idea but I can walk on this leg without issues. Okay I can feel the pain (particularly on something like stairs where it's not even ground) but I've no limp.

I think I preferred it when the idea was I'd be told I was imagining it.
People getting pets and making them other peoples problem 😑 one of the neighbours got a dog. A small, spitz/terrier type..who can squeeze through the hedges into other peoples gardens. I now have to check for dog mess on the lawn if I want to take the pigs out..although currently I don't feel its safe to do so as he can just appear at any time.

I'm also worried about leaving the gate open, if he goes out he will be straight onto the road!
You would have thought that a responsible owner would have made their garden dog proof! My friend has a dog who never goes in the garden without a long line on as her garden isn't dog proof.
A neighbour of mine years ago kept rottweilers and at some point one of their garden fence posts was damaged and I found them playing in my (shared, I lived in a flat) yard. Those dogs weren't out in the yard again til the fence was repaired because next time. I was kinda grateful it was me found them, because they were big dogs but still in their puppy stage and one of them knocked me off my feet just trying to play.

Edit - also, finally got my knee xrayed. Yesterday's weather was torrential rain, howling gales, snow, sleet, hailstones, thunder, I was going nowhere lol. Gotta wait for the results and then wait for another appointment. It's the wait I'm uncomfortable with (he says, like he didn't wait for 4 months to get it looked at). I mean it's gotta be nothing, right?
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Headaches! Oh how I hate headaches. Migraines and tension headaches. They're so draining. I work in physiotherapy and know all of the "right" things but does that help? No! And now I have to switch a medication/wean off of one... side effects of going off? Headaches!

Lorcan - good luck and good vibes! Whatever they do find, there are usually options. Just try to make sure you ask whatever questions you have, no matter how they sound in your head 🙂 I usually have to write mine down for medical appointments.
I'm just baffled. My hip hurts but that's joint pain. Whatever's going on with my knee and shin doesn't feel like joint pain, doesn't act like joint pain, but what else could it be? It feels like an injury except that was 4 months ago and it hadn't been injured anyway. 🤷‍♂️
Possibly, although I'd have thought if it was that or (more likely) some kind of arthritis it'd be affecting the joint more. I did wonder about a ganglion because it could happen in the knee/shin, but ganglions have a classic "look" to them that this is missing.

I had to kneel on the floor for a bit last night because I knocked about 400 jigsaw pieces off the desk last night and it's the only thing that I struggle to do. Walking, climbing, standing up, I can feel a problem there but it's not affecting my ability to do it. Kneeling, yeah that one's difficult.
One thing that I notice gets overlooked in my patient population a lot is pain referred from the back: people immediately think sciatic nerve, but it can also be sacroiliac joint dysfunction. This can feel like cramping in the leg, hip pain, like your legs may be uneven, pain around/in the knee (especially above the knee cap or outside of the knee).

One thing a pain specialist points out (Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD, CSMT) is that when you start doing things like x-rays, especially as we get older, it is likely that you'll find something. A statistic he uses is that 20-30% of MRIs show some type of knee degeneration in patients that state they have no pain. Point being, once a "problem" is found, people/doctors tend to focus all of their energy on that one finding and go down a treatment rabbit hole. "I have X, so that must be why I feel Y."

All that is to say, it is interesting but different body parts can hurt due to radiating pain. A knee that hurts may not be hurting because of a knee pathology. That's why different diagnostic tests are important. I got on a soap box but a lot of people don't know this and the more you know going into a doctor's appointment the more prepared you are! (It may not even be musculoskeletal in nature, like fluffysal pointed out, an autoimmune condition is totally possible if you think that fits your medical history/symptoms.)
It's not even really the knee, I guess. Visually and pain wise it's closer to being the top of the shin. I know they're close but, specifics. I think if it was the knee proper I'd have mobility issues. Not having mobility issues is why I left it for so long.

The hip pain goes back about a year. But it also feels like the hip joint is the problem rather than something else, and it's also the other hip - right hp, left shin. And it would probably hurt less if I wasn't using 3 cushions as a booster seat on my desk chair lol.
One of my issues is autoimmune. I ignored, self medicated and generally just pushed through it for years until I got to a tipping point. I'm very lucky that when I went to the doctor for the first time in years instead of just treating what I went for, she insisted on loads of tests. I was pretty certain that it was all in my head and I was being dramatic and lazy. Having the diagnosis really helped my mental health because I now know I'm not imagining symptoms.
So, hubby has just done some housework as I'm having a couple of bad days pain wise. I've had a running commentary and now I feel guilty for not doing enough. Usually I do it when he's still in bed.
So, hubby has just done some housework as I'm having a couple of bad days pain wise. I've had a running commentary and now I feel guilty for not doing enough. Usually I do it when he's still in bed.
Why do men feel it necessary to tell you what they are doing when they feel they are doing "your" job. My OH wants praise when he cleans or hoovers anything. Does he give me praise? Er No. Don't feel guilty why should you? I bet he doesn't feel guilty when you're doing the housework around him.
So, hubby has just done some housework as I'm having a couple of bad days pain wise. I've had a running commentary and now I feel guilty for not doing enough. Usually I do it when he's still in bed.
Don't feel guilty. If you are in pain you need to rest, it won't hurt him to do it when you can't!
So, hubby has just done some housework as I'm having a couple of bad days pain wise. I've had a running commentary and now I feel guilty for not doing enough. Usually I do it when he's still in bed.
My husbands been doing the hoovering and mopping since my back op in January. I felt guilty at the start but don’t now. I wonder how long I can get away with not doing it. 🤔
One of my issues is autoimmune. I ignored, self medicated and generally just pushed through it for years until I got to a tipping point. I'm very lucky that when I went to the doctor for the first time in years instead of just treating what I went for, she insisted on loads of tests. I was pretty certain that it was all in my head and I was being dramatic and lazy. Having the diagnosis really helped my mental health because I now know I'm not imagining symptoms.

I have autoimmune issues, but it's psoriasis. I've had oedema issues with my arms before but it's not oedema either.

I'm trying to cut down on my sugar intake to help with some weight loss but walking is my preference. I carry enough weight to set my back off, but I don't need my legs getting in the way of that too. Being this unhealthy sucks, the low blood sugar reactions to swapping out some of my Coke for Pepsi Max is equal parts hilarious and "wtf". It needs doing though. And hopefully whatever's wrong with my legs eases soon because having to lie down every few hours is annoying. It's bad enough I'm thinking of trying painkillers, and I hate taking painkillers lol.
I have autoimmune issues, but it's psoriasis. I've had oedema issues with my arms before but it's not oedema either.

I'm trying to cut down on my sugar intake to help with some weight loss but walking is my preference. I carry enough weight to set my back off, but I don't need my legs getting in the way of that too. Being this unhealthy sucks, the low blood sugar reactions to swapping out some of my Coke for Pepsi Max is equal parts hilarious and "wtf". It needs doing though. And hopefully whatever's wrong with my legs eases soon because having to lie down every few hours is annoying. It's bad enough I'm thinking of trying painkillers, and I hate taking painkillers lol.
A friend of mines son has psoriasis he also has rheumatoid arthritis. Whatever it is I hope you can get it sorted out and you are soon feeling much better.
(Before reading this please know that I agree with modern medicine lol) One supplement that has helped me with muscle pain and sleeping at night is magnesium glycinate. If you're on tiktok at all you may have seen that floating around but magnesium itself is a legit supplement! Most of us don't get enough from our diet. The nutrient helps regulate and manage many bodily processes (muscle, brain, nerves). The reason magnesium glycinate is recommended is because in this form it is well absorbed by the body and causes less tummy upset (than, for example, magnesium oxide).

Another supplement that is considered a "natural anti-inflammatory" (think autoimmune, arthritis) is curcumin (see study here). Now, this same study also says that a minimal amount is absorbed during digestion. At the same time, some people who have been regularly taking curcumin swear by it. I don't take it myself.
New work trousers arrived today. Apart from an email from the shop to say they had been dispatched to the delivery department, I've heard nothing. Good job someone was in too and heard the gate, as delivery person left them on the front step and didn't even knock on the door!

The plant still looks sad, has had some water so hoping perks up over next couple of days.
I dropped two puzzle pieces - saw one and felt the other drop. Picked up the one I could find, put it on the chair, got down to the floor looking for the second. Can't find it anywhere. Stood back up, no piece on the chair.

I am so confused right now.
Have you checked all your pockets? It'll probably turn up when you get undressed tonight 😂
Have you checked all your pockets? It'll probably turn up when you get undressed tonight 😂

I know right? I shook down my clothes, got down on the floor and ran my hands over the carpet and made a racket doing it but since I can't currently kneel, belly flop to the floor it is. Moved shoes and papers out of the way, checked the magazine tray to see if it fell down between...

And I'll probably find it in the bathroom next week, lol.
I think I have 2 puzzle pieces missing from my Amsterdam Cafe puzzle. I've nearly finished it but can't find these 2 pieces. It's very unusual for a new puzzle to have bits missing. I've searched for them. I only do a puzzle in two places and the pieces aren't in either of those places. I'll stop looking for them and I'll probably find them. My lovely late Mum said that you always find things when you're not looking for them. Like you @Lorcan I'll probably find them in the bathroom next week.
I've had pieces missing before and I always find out after I've disassembled it, so now I'm just gonna keep it til I find the AWOL piece(s).
I dropped two puzzle pieces - saw one and felt the other drop. Picked up the one I could find, put it on the chair, got down to the floor looking for the second. Can't find it anywhere. Stood back up, no piece on the chair.

I am so confused right now.

I usually find the pieces that drop but don't land on the floor in my sleeves. Especially when I have pyjamas and dressing gown on. I did once find a piece next to the sink when I was washing up and this really confused me until later when I realised the pieces were getting stuck to my cardigan sleeves. I'd transported it without realising.

Brother has knocked one of my cactus over on kitchen windowsill and not told me. Just found it now - he would do it last thing at night and the week after I topped them all up with soil.

Big cactus still looking bit droopy on ends.