A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Last week, I cut my pinky in the printer. There was a paper jam when I was printing something so I had to fix it. The part where you remove the stuck paper was by the wall and I won't be able to open it unless I move the whole printer away from the wall. So I did just that but when I was putting back the printer on it's original place, my pinky got stock between the table and the bottom of the printer. When I removed my finger, a small chunk of skin was also removed and my finger seemed like it got a small hole. So anyway, it was bleeding a lot for a couple of days and I can't leave it open so it had a plaster until Friday last week. It's okay now though and the skin is back to normal apart from a tiny scab.

So tonight, I was doing the piggy's dinner when I stupidly cut my left middle finger and cut a small chunk of skin again! This is bleeding more because it's bigger than the other wound I had. Flipping heck, I'm running out of plaster and I needed it covered better than just a small plaster. It's a good thing I have some small gauze and some surgical tape to cover it better. But I needed to buy more. I'm such a clutz and I hate having cuts or open wound on the hands because it's annoying whenever I wash my hands. It's hurting a lot now and when I changed the dressing earlier, the wound is still bleeding so much. 😭😭

I had to cover it with some finger thingy fabric so the dressing won't move much. I have to wear gloves whenever I need to wash something.

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Ouch 😢
Oral B electric toothbrushes! Why oh why aren’t the back of them completely flat? I place the wand down onto the sink edge (it’s wide and flat ) I order to dispense the toothpaste onto the head and it seems to swivel around half the time, so annoying 🙄
Have you tried a sinus rinse?
I have issues with sinuses so can sympathise, I was recommend by a specialist to use a rinse and it really helps.
No, but will look into it.

I ended up at doctors. Its sinusitis and I have to squash penicillin into my diet 4x a day. Hopefully all bugs be gone then.
No, but will look into it.

I ended up at doctors. Its sinusitis and I have to squash penicillin into my diet 4x a day. Hopefully all bugs be gone then.
I find the antibiotics really do the trick if everything else I've tried fails.
I've had sinusitis so often I finally went to see a specialist and we were considering surgery, however it threw up a couple of curve balls and currently I am trying to manage symptoms but the rinses have helped. It's not pleasant but once you get used to it it's not too bad. I've linked what I was recommended.
Hope you feel better soon 🤗

NeilMed Original Sinus Rinse Kit with 60 Premixed Sachets Amazon.co.uk
I find the antibiotics really do the trick if everything else I've tried fails.
I've had sinusitis so often I finally went to see a specialist and we were considering surgery, however it threw up a couple of curve balls and currently I am trying to manage symptoms but the rinses have helped. It's not pleasant but once you get used to it it's not too bad. I've linked what I was recommended.
Hope you feel better soon 🤗

NeilMed Original Sinus Rinse Kit with 60 Premixed Sachets Amazon.co.uk
I worked it out, its been nearly 6 weeks since my tonsillitus episode, then I was straight onto a cold and this. I think I was in more pain than I let on with my face as I just carried on as normal, thinking it would drain away in time! I'm averaging around every 5 years for a course of antibiotics for either tonsilitus or sinusitis so not too bad!
Is it wrong of me to just let my smoke alarm chirp? It's the downstairs one and it needs a replacement battery that I don't have, but I'm kinda sick of going downstairs to shut it off because it freaks out within a short while again anyway.

I'd shove it in the fridge if I thought I could get away with it, lol.
It's shut up again thankfully. I'd been hoping it was like the one I have upstairs, which only functions when in its cradle, but no. I'm guessing it's because of the replaceable battery. I'd remove the battery entirely but I'm not convinced I can do it without damaging the contacts and then I'd probably manage to lose it before I could buy a replacement lol.

It woke me up chirping the other night and I distinctly remember that it didn't wake me up enough to get out of bed. So I just lay there getting annoyed that it wouldn't shut up :))
Last Thursday the Garden Waste Bins were not collected. This was just after the payment had gone out of my account to pay for this year. This morning I found the form on the Council website and reported it. I was told that as it hadn't been reported within 24 hours of the missed bin collection, they could only apologise and could do nothing about it now and that the next collection would be on 18 April. I replied that I only realised I could report the missing collection this morning and that the bin was put out in time and it has also been left out on Friday and over the weekend in the hope it would be collected and that my road was missed. I also asked if I would be refunded for the missing collection. I have yet the hear back.
Last Thursday the Garden Waste Bins were not collected. This was just after the payment had gone out of my account to pay for this year. This morning I found the form on the Council website and reported it. I was told that as it hadn't been reported within 24 hours of the missed bin collection, they could only apologise and could do nothing about it now and that the next collection would be on 18 April. I replied that I only realised I could report the missing collection this morning and that the bin was put out in time and it has also been left out on Friday and over the weekend in the hope it would be collected and that my road was missed. I also asked if I would be refunded for the missing collection. I have yet the hear back.
Apparently, as I didn't report the missed collection in time therefore making them unable to investigate what happened, I won't be getting a refund. I am not at all happy about this. It wasn't just me that was missed but the whole road! My bin is still outside awaiting collection along with most of the other bins although some people have brought them in to stop them being blown about in this wind and the contents being scattered everywhere.

They have made the Collection Team aware that I may have additional waste on the next collection day and that on this one occasion, I can put the side waste in a suitable container (not a plastic bag) and the Team will pick it up. I only have a garden bin and plastic bags, so what am I supposed to use? I think I may be taking this further. I'm paying for a service I'm not getting!
Is there someone higher up you could make a complaint to? They should've emptied the bin, if they haven't provided a service they need to be able to explain why and saying it has to be reported during a 24 hour window or they won't do anything isn't good enough. It's little better than theft.
Is there someone higher up you could make a complaint to? They should've emptied the bin, if they haven't provided a service they need to be able to explain why and saying it has to be reported during a 24 hour window or they won't do anything isn't good enough. It's little better than theft.
That's a good idea! It's only a Commercial Accounts Officer who has sent to email. I may go to my MP as there's an election coming up they will be only too pleased to help as they want the votes!
That's a good idea! It's only a Commercial Accounts Officer who has sent to email. I may go to my MP as there's an election coming up they will be only too pleased to help as they want the votes!
There are local council elections next month (in most areas?). Your local councillor is probably your best bet as its the local council that runs waste collection.

Tbh I wouldn't expect a refund if it happened to me, and there may be a reason why a whole road was missed, especially in the current weather.

How much do you pay for garden waste collection?
They've probably gotten away with it before of they're being so blasé about it now. I've had complaints with Rochdale council for less, although when my bin went missing because they kept insisting I leave it out to be emptied they did at least agree to replace it for free.

And then it turned up again three weeks later, emptied, on the day those bins get emptied again lol. But our brown / garden waste bins get emptied weekly, the other three go on a three week rotation.
There are local council elections next month (in most areas?). Your local councillor is probably your best bet as its the local council that runs waste collection.

Tbh I wouldn't expect a refund if it happened to me, and there may be a reason why a whole road was missed, especially in the current weather.

How much do you pay for garden waste collection?

I don't know about refunds either, but at the very least they should be looking into it rather than just saying 🤷‍♂️.
There are local council elections next month (in most areas?). Your local councillor is probably your best bet as its the local council that runs waste collection.

Tbh I wouldn't expect a refund if it happened to me, and there may be a reason why a whole road was missed, especially in the current weather.

How much do you pay for garden waste collection?
There was no weather anomaly last Thursday to warrant no collection of my bin.

The cost is around £70.
And unless you're aware of why it was missed, you can't take steps to avoid it happening again.
Our bin collections (all types) regularly get missed, the recycling firm says it's because they can't get enough staff. We pay £70 for our garden waste which is collected once every 2 weeks for 9 months. We don't get a refund if it's missed but they do sometimes come the next day if a few people complain about it. I don't have a lot of garden waste as most gets composted but it's handy for the weeds when in seed and thick bits of hedge. I share a bin and it's costs with a neighbour, no point us both paying full price and not using it much.

My main rant with the recycling is a lot of people here don't have the sense to put their bins one inside the other and put a lid (supplied) on the top one so the rubbish doesn't blow away, it all seems to end up in our front garden. I pick it up and put it in the general waste bin because it is filthy and the recyclers chuck it all out anyway if it's not clean.
We now have to pay for all our recycling bins and people needing a new one go round stealing them. My new plastic waste one was broken the first time it was used, they bang them on the side of the lorry. I won't be buying another one.
Our bins get stickers, the council attach them when they get delivered and they're very hard to remove. Not impossible, the weather's got to a few of them and need replacing but they're very effective.
I got a letter about a debt today from the company I owe the debt to. I'd been expecting it, I agree with the debt, I have no qualms about that. I'd have the standing order form sent back for the minimum amount and leave it alone buuuut I'm also livid because it was sent to the wrong address. A signed for letter that I only got because the neighbour who got it, opened it and found the correct address on the inner paperwork.

Now. There's innocent explanations for this - dyscalcula for one. But for two years I've not heard from them. Two years, and I have to wonder how many times this has happened before I get the equivalent of a final demand with a recorded delivery.

Also I don't know who tf signed for it.

Also someone else opened my post and I'm unimpressed with that but at the same time if they didn't I wouldn't have a letter and I wouldn't know about this stuff.

Also also I'm pretty sure those neighbours were unaware I'm trans, they definitely had no idea what my name was.

And I left the company a voicemail earlier saying I needed to discuss it before I did their paperwork. No response. :td:
Driving back from a meeting this evening, about 100 yards from home, I saw a hedgehog at the side of the road. I didn't stop but went home and then walked back with a torch to check on it.

It had already been hit and killed by another car that failed to avoid it. 😪 :rant: It makes me want to weep. Why can't drivers be more careful at night? They drive down these lanes far too fast 😬:rant:

And now I'm kicking myself for not pulling over and helping it across immediately...
The disability office is really on my 💩 list right now. Somehow my child, who is on a disability waiver (it helps cover medical expenses and special therapies that help with his disability) got switched off of the program to a traditional government insurance that deals with income. So we make too much to have it now. The disability office has listed in the computer that he should get a job....he is only 5 years old!

Lady I was talking to was completely baffled. She spent most of the conversation talking to herself about how weird the account is. She has sent his account to the disability supervisor. Now to hurry up and wait some more till they call me. Utterly maddening. :hb: