A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Nicotine, in itself, isn't dangerous, at least not more so than caffeine. It can be overdosed on (which is unpleasant) and it absorbs easily through the skin so, y'know, try not to spill it on yourself, but those are just common sense things.

Then you get idiots vaping 50mg at 80w. I could explain why this is so ridiculously moronic but it's a very long answer so take my advice on this, there's nobody quitting smoking that way. All they're doing is making a nicotine addiction worse.
Are they the ones that are wreathed in massive clouds of vapour?
Are they the ones that are wreathed in massive clouds of vapour?

Sort of. Vegetable glycerin is what gives you the clouds, propylene glycol carries the flavour. VG is much thicker than PG, and it's vaped at higher watts to offset the lack of PG.

However. It's also a different inhale style because the vapour's that thick even in the mouth so you inhale directly into the lung.

That's where these idiots are giving themselves problems. You absorb more of the nicotine in the lungs and to overdo the nicotine means nicotine of symptoms (which aren't fun), worsening addiction issues, the list goes on.

50mg juice even in a basic pod system at 10w is more than anyone needs. At 80w?! It's kids, it's always kids, and the rest of us get to suffer that stupidity with it.

I know I sound maybe at bit OTT but with the talk of limiting flavours to adults because nobody wants them to enforce the vaping laws we've already got, it's a touchy subject for me.
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You can't replicate the taste of a cigarette in a vape, really. You can get a tobacco flavour but a cigarette burns, and you've got no burning in a vape (unless you're doing it really wrong) and mint/menthol makes me gag. Not so bad if it's mixed with a fruit but as is, no.

Adults like bubblegum, or sherbet, or orange juice flavours too. Maybe instead of freaking out about flavours they should work on dealing with people selling to underage buyers because they can't vape if it's not in their possession.
My stupid pride!
I strained my back in the garden last week lifting breeze blocks. My OH moved them as close to where I needed them as I would allow but I had to make the final wall myself. It wasn't too bad, a day of rest and I was back doing everything as normal with just an odd twinge. Yesterday I went shopping, we needed quite a bit of heavy stuff but that's okay I took my bag on wheels, I don't like asking for help. Today I can hardly move, lifting my left arm sends my back muscles into spasm. I'm going to have to ask for help to clean out the piggies. I need to accept I'm no longer able to do the things I used to do, getting old is a pain in more ways than one!
8 double sided pages need to be redone because of a mistake on one side of the first page. I could have salvaged it had the tippex mouse decided it was no longer inclined to move its tape. That was all. There was plenty of tape, it just wouldn't shift.
My stupid sibling was meant to be away this weekend. I've been counting down to a quiet weekend without him and done my to do list accordingly... so who walked in the door at 5pm?

Weekend ruined.
That's such a shame! As the saying goes "You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family!" My lovely late Mum apologised to me that my brother was my brother. He's such a waste of space. How he's been married for nearly 40 years is quite beyond me!
I made the mistake of opening the study window because it's actually kinda warm and it felt like a great idea until I realised I could hear a loud buzzy thing and could see its shadow. I don't mind bees but this early they're usually queens and they don't have the chill factor of their hive mates, and I'm allergic to wasps, but that was queen be sized OR hornet sized.

Thankfully they get confused by blinds because that would not end well otherwise.
I had something nasty turn up in my last flat. Emptied a can of fly spray at it and then ran out the door and down the stairs and chainsmoked outside for half an hour lol. Came back upstairs once my heart rate had slowed and the damned thing was still twitching.

It had fallen into a carrier bag with a couple of non-perishable food items in it...I dumped the whole bag. Into another bag. Into another bag. Tied the final bag closed and ran back outside and then chainsmoked for another 20 minutes lol.

It was either a queen wasp or a hornet because it was too big for a normal wasp, but it was also October and it was angry. Angry at my kitchen light, but angry all the same.
There are also killerr bees that eat our bees. They sit outside the hive and eat them as the bees come in and out. Then to protect themselves the bees stay in the hive and slowly starve. These killer bees are easy to spot. They are black with yellow legs and with a yellow saddle on the upper back. If you see one, it needs to be reported.
There are also killerr bees that eat our bees. They sit outside the hive and eat them as the bees come in and out. Then to protect themselves the bees stay in the hive and slowly starve. These killer bees are easy to spot. They are black with yellow legs and with a yellow saddle on the upper back. If you see one, it needs to be reported.
Yes the Asian Hornet has a serious impact on honeybees especially (but also attacks bumblebees etc). Last year was quite bad for them along the south coast.
This is some info to help identify them etc that I got from the local beekeepers group:

I saw a queen bee buzzing around the outside walls this morning, and it's not the first time. I'd be surprised if it wasn't her yesterday, she's some size. I hope she finds a suitable hive site soon.
It's not the hornet I'm talking about although that is pretty bad. This one is a bee. I can't remember the name of it now but it looks like a bee but it's black, large and has bright yellow legs and a yellow saddle across it's shoulders. There were loads of them is Cape Verde. I was told of them by the Bee Keepers at the Malvern Show.
Oh gosh, I don't know what that is. I haven't heard of any other dangerous bees being present in the UK, though I have heard of African/Africanized bees that are very aggressive in defence, but they aren't in Europe (yet...) as far as I know.
It looks similar to the Carpenter bee but the Carpenter bee has black legs not yellow. I can't find it on Aunty Google as I can't remember the name of it. At the Malvern show the bee keepers said that they were in Britain last year and a number of nests had been killed.
My two week old mobility scooter died on me today! It just stopped moving and I think the motor burnt out as it smells. Possibly an issue with the electro magnetic brake as we couldn't get it into neutral to push it back to the car.

Could it be the battery?
My two week old mobility scooter died on me today! It just stopped moving and I think the motor burnt out as it smells. Possibly an issue with the electro magnetic brake as we couldn't get it into neutral to push it back to the car.

Sorry to hear your new wheels have stopped working.

Did you try zoomies & have to do an emergency brake before crashing into a friend?! 😀
I have been surprisingly responsible when driving!
Could it be the battery?
As it wouldn't go into neutral, I'm sure it's not. I'm going to get a refund and a different one. I don't want it repaired as I don't trust it now. After I bought it I discovered that I don't have to pay the vat so now am looking at a somewhat better one as it makes a big difference to the budget and this one was the cheapest I could get. I want lights and mirrors and a funky colour as my hubby refuses to let me put glitter on anything!
I'm not allowed, he won't even let me customise my walker! 😞
He doesn't have to use your walker and he doesn't have to use your new all singing all dancing mobility scooter. I don't see why you can't decorate them just how you want. Go on be a rebel! My Gorgeous Late Gran called her walker a motorbike!
So they've offered me a full refund but want £50 for a carrier collection.
Reading the Amazon t&c page tells me that they need to refund this (why charge it in the first place?). I will make sure I get it back one way or another as I always use a credit card for expensive purchases due to the credit card companies having more power to reclaim unfair expenses.
a friend that does not take animal welfare seriously,a cat that suffered due to mouth problems unable to eat.they would not take to the vet "because the cat does not like the vet"the cat died an awful death and i witnessed it.
get a big German sheperd because it looked like a cute puppy.now the dog is downstairs.But the cat has to run the gauntlet of getting passed the big dog.no litter tray,the cat is scared of the big dog.
ive one of there guinea pigs,that they would not get care for.she had ovarian cysts,and a wee infection.i decided i would get treatment,such as injections and antibiotics.they took her to a non guinea pig savvy vet ,stating she hormonal and thats why she has hairloss due to living with a boar !they were small cysts...but you can only be definate there are no cysts. without an xray or ultrasound
now ive picked up the bill,I'm thinking of letting her go back to them,but i also know she will not get the right care.
not sure how to proceed with any of this.but i do think i need to report the dog and cat situation,to The Rspca to give them education.also they refuse to get the dog neutered.
Last week, I cut my pinky in the printer. There was a paper jam when I was printing something so I had to fix it. The part where you remove the stuck paper was by the wall and I won't be able to open it unless I move the whole printer away from the wall. So I did just that but when I was putting back the printer on it's original place, my pinky got stock between the table and the bottom of the printer. When I removed my finger, a small chunk of skin was also removed and my finger seemed like it got a small hole. So anyway, it was bleeding a lot for a couple of days and I can't leave it open so it had a plaster until Friday last week. It's okay now though and the skin is back to normal apart from a tiny scab.

So tonight, I was doing the piggy's dinner when I stupidly cut my left middle finger and cut a small chunk of skin again! This is bleeding more because it's bigger than the other wound I had. Flipping heck, I'm running out of plaster and I needed it covered better than just a small plaster. It's a good thing I have some small gauze and some surgical tape to cover it better. But I needed to buy more. I'm such a clutz and I hate having cuts or open wound on the hands because it's annoying whenever I wash my hands. It's hurting a lot now and when I changed the dressing earlier, the wound is still bleeding so much. 😭😭

I had to cover it with some finger thingy fabric so the dressing won't move much. I have to wear gloves whenever I need to wash something.
