A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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I was shaking uncontrollably last night for about an hour. Ended up sat under 2 blankets and a dressing gown!
Went to bed early, had a good sleep but woke up with a bad throat. My throat is my weak spot, so I've either got a bug or is because I feel so run down and exhausted. If it doesn't get any worse, I should get through the working week....
Going to be handing my notice in today as I've had enough of all the drama and bitchiness over the last 3 months in my workplace. There are nice people in the company and that's why I've tried to stay but when the boss is working against you, its not easy to keep going. Not got another job yet but not sticking around to get dragged down.
4 Weeks and then I'm gone, can't wait.
Good luck finding your next job. I hope your new colleagues and managers will be nicer.
Rude people!

I went to the gym today, I was in a new class that I hadn't been to before and there was a lady in there that is in my other classes. I tried to catch her attention to say "hello" but she didn't hear me first of all because the room was quite echoee and there were a lot of people talking. When the room was quiet, I called her name and she pretended not to hear, I called her again and this time, as she couldn't ignore me anymore she looked at me, in fact she looked straight through me as if she didn't know me. So I just said hello to her but she didn't say hello back. She used to be quite friendly towards me and now she acts as if she doesn't know me. I've only ever been friendly at the gym and I chat to people. My Late Dad used to call me a "People Person". I don't know what I've done to offend her but it costs nothing to be polite! I just view it as her loss not mine. If she's like that towards me do I really want to try and be friendly towards her? Probably not!
Rude people!

I went to the gym today, I was in a new class that I hadn't been to before and there was a lady in there that is in my other classes. I tried to catch her attention to say "hello" but she didn't hear me first of all because the room was quite echoee and there were a lot of people talking. When the room was quiet, I called her name and she pretended not to hear, I called her again and this time, as she couldn't ignore me anymore she looked at me, in fact she looked straight through me as if she didn't know me. So I just said hello to her but she didn't say hello back. She used to be quite friendly towards me and now she acts as if she doesn't know me. I've only ever been friendly at the gym and I chat to people. My Late Dad used to call me a "People Person". I don't know what I've done to offend her but it costs nothing to be polite! I just view it as her loss not mine. If she's like that towards me do I really want to try and be friendly towards her? Probably not!
What a rude person - I’ve come across people like that thru my work and personally. They aren’t worth your kindness, time or effort
As you say it’s her loss - I have a ‘rock’ that I put all the nasty people I come across under and every now and then I ‘squash’ them
Who wouldn’t want to know the lovely, funny and caring kind person that is @Betsy
The only downside is that she’s a senior 😂
Social anxiety.I went up town today to get a few bits I needed but more importantly flowers to put on my granny's and grandma's graves tomorrow.I asked my mum if she wanted to come up and help pick flowers,she said yes and I was grateful for the company.1st place we looked in was Aldi and I started going light headed and dizzy cos of how many people in there.We chose some flowers in Tesco in the end and I gave my mum my bank card and asked if she'd go to the till as I was going light headed and dizzy in there too as I was so anxious and said I needed to get out of there.The whole trip walking around town I felt so uncomfortable,there was just so many people.I hate feeling like that and find it a struggle even to leave the house as it kicks in as soon as I leave.Still feeling agitated now even though I'm having sone wine.
Rude people!

I went to the gym today, I was in a new class that I hadn't been to before and there was a lady in there that is in my other classes. I tried to catch her attention to say "hello" but she didn't hear me first of all because the room was quite echoee and there were a lot of people talking. When the room was quiet, I called her name and she pretended not to hear, I called her again and this time, as she couldn't ignore me anymore she looked at me, in fact she looked straight through me as if she didn't know me. So I just said hello to her but she didn't say hello back. She used to be quite friendly towards me and now she acts as if she doesn't know me. I've only ever been friendly at the gym and I chat to people. My Late Dad used to call me a "People Person". I don't know what I've done to offend her but it costs nothing to be polite! I just view it as her loss not mine. If she's like that towards me do I really want to try and be friendly towards her? Probably not!
All I can say is it's her loss.Anyone who's ever met you knows what a nice,funny person you are x
Our new car, which we have had for just over a month, has been in the garage a total of 4 times. On Friday it had the water pump replaced because the engine was overheating. Yesterday, it decided that all of the electrics would fail (definitely no good when it's an automatic). One after the other I watched all of the sensors go offline and the servo went for the steering as I was exiting the Autobahn. Then it died. I managed to restart the engine and drive us home with nothing working properly and the engine limiting itself to 50kph. 20m from our front door it decided to slip out of gear and not drive at all.

It's one of these minibuses with electric sliding doors, I had to extract all 3 of the kids through the boot, as well as all of our shopping and 1000L of wood shavings for the piggies.

I just know that when I call the dealership tomorrow it will be another unfortunate coincidence, nothing to do with the fact that they don't know their a**e from their elbow.

I think I'll be calling my lawyer again tomorrow too.... Sigh
Don’t be ‘fobbed off’ I think it’s time they gave you a new car or exchanged it for one you’d like ! That’s disgraceful !
Luckily the law in Germany states that if the car has more than 3 problems in the first 3 months that are defects then the contract can be cancelled. We are now at problem 16 with all of the 13 that happened yesterday. We already had to wait 3 months for this one after someone crashed into the back of our last car and wrote it off.

I think the problem lies in the fact it was made in Fr**ce.
Luckily the law in Germany states that if the car has more than 3 problems in the first 3 months that are defects then the contract can be cancelled. We are now at problem 16 with all of the 13 that happened yesterday. We already had to wait 3 months for this one after someone crashed into the back of our last car and wrote it off.

I think the problem lies in the fact it was made in Fr**ce.
Sounds like you got a “Monday morning or Friday afternoon car” 😟
Luckily the law in Germany states that if the car has more than 3 problems in the first 3 months that are defects then the contract can be cancelled. We are now at problem 16 with all of the 13 that happened yesterday. We already had to wait 3 months for this one after someone crashed into the back of our last car and wrote it off.

I think the problem lies in the fact it was made in Fr**ce.
Timing belt snapped. They told us on Friday that it had been replaced. Turns out that was a lie as pointed out by the head mechanic. Bunch of charlatans.
Delivery companies (looking at you, Yodel!) 🤣 I don't think I've ever ordered something glass and had it arrive in one piece first time. I can understand a small scratch, or a little chip. But to recieve a box of completely smashed glass on a package labelled on all sides as "fragile" is just ridiculous. Poor Casper has to stay in his small hospital tank for at least an extra week now, assuming his replacement tank isn't also drop kicked off the lorry 🫠 frustration aside, it's SO wasteful!

My neighbour's son (where I used to live) worked for a courier company (who will remain nameless). He would often see courier drivers kicking boxes, that were labelled as fragile, between them like they were having a game of football. I never label anything now as they are handled with more care when they're not labelled at all.
Delivery companies (looking at you, Yodel!) 🤣 I don't think I've ever ordered something glass and had it arrive in one piece first time. I can understand a small scratch, or a little chip. But to recieve a box of completely smashed glass on a package labelled on all sides as "fragile" is just ridiculous. Poor Casper has to stay in his small hospital tank for at least an extra week now, assuming his replacement tank isn't also drop kicked off the lorry 🫠 frustration aside, it's SO wasteful!

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That is just ridiculous.
Delivery companies (looking at you, Yodel!) 🤣 I don't think I've ever ordered something glass and had it arrive in one piece first time. I can understand a small scratch, or a little chip. But to recieve a box of completely smashed glass on a package labelled on all sides as "fragile" is just ridiculous. Poor Casper has to stay in his small hospital tank for at least an extra week now, assuming his replacement tank isn't also drop kicked off the lorry 🫠 frustration aside, it's SO wasteful!

View attachment 243661
Make a complaint to Yodel about this. If they don't respond, go to Trustpilot and make a 1 star review on Yodel's account. State all these with photos. Their customer rep/service will reply to that usually very quick and will ask you to contact them directly. That's what happened to me when I complained about the Yodel delivery of my Haybox on January. Driver didn't knock at all and left the big box in the pouring rain. It was a good thing nothing was really damaged because Haybox was then already in plastic bags, so I just made sure their driver got a negative remark. The one I talked to informed me they phoned the branch and gave notice about the driver. Make sure to ask compensation when you contact them because your items were damaged.
Make a complaint to Yodel about this. If they don't respond, go to Trustpilot and make a 1 star review on Yodel's account. State all these with photos. Their customer rep/service will reply to that usually very quick and will ask you to contact them directly. That's what happened to me when I complained about the Yodel delivery of my Haybox on January. Driver didn't knock at all and left the big box in the pouring rain. It was a good thing nothing was really damaged because Haybox was then already in plastic bags, so I just made sure their driver got a negative remark. The one I talked to informed me they phoned the branch and gave notice about the driver. Make sure to ask compensation when you contact them because your items were damaged.
This is a good thing to do but also make sure you complain to the seller, as they are the one who has the delivery contract with Yodel. Unfortunately most of the time the end user / recipient doesn't have as much clout as the seller in these circumstances.
Tesco cancelled my delivery order today and I have to rearrange. I also have no food in, no cash, no Pin because I keep forgetting what they are, there's no slots til Monday, and come Monday the account will be emptied with no chance of buying anything then til Thursday. Also it'd be nice if I could eat before Monday too.

I care slightly less about me than I do about the empty fridge and people offer to take me to Asda and then I have to ask why they haven't been paying attention.

Screw you too, Tesco.

Edit - panic slightly averted by my discovering I actually have some cash on me. Wonders will never cease.
Also it's still "screw you, Tesco" but not their staff and I did say as much when I spoke to them. I knew McDonalds had pay issues yesterday and Sainsbury's did today so I figured that was the issue, but if I hadn't phoned I wouldn't know for definite. I think the poor bloke I spoke to thought I wanted him to fix it 5 minutes ago and I guess he's been getting dogs abuse half the morning about it. I just wanted to know if it was worth trying a Whoosht order, lol. It's not, btw.
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I have a support worker coming later that I'm hoping will pick me up some bell peppers and lettuce. I've got just over a tenner and it only needs to last til Monday. I'll also try Uber Eats or Just Eat later, but I know my usual options don't have great goblin food options. Iceberg is easy to find, but kind of useless to me.

It's a great excuse for a takeaway for me, though.
Oh, to be able to have a cigarette lol. I'm not sure where the cash in my wallet came from but hey, I'm not complaining.