A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

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Roses should be able to survive a snowfall, when did you plant them?

They are still quite new as only got them last month or two. I had one for years and years until it died wo was hoping to replace it.

Never water house plants until the first top cm of compost is totally dry and let the pot drain. I’ve killed off loads of plants by overwatering, far more than under watering 😉

Most roses are very hardy, it may look sad and lifeless now but wait until late spring before binning it, they often burst into life!

I've a cactus collectiom I'm really proud of and haven't killed one off for about 15 years now but this is my first ever spider plant so have winged it since day one with it. I'll wait for it to dry out a bit.
Spider plants always used to be the student ‘go to’ plant that could survive any amount of neglect 😂 I inherited a cactus when my daughter’s best friend moved to South Africa aged 7 and wanted to re home her plants! The girls are now 30. The cactus is now an unstable 3ft tall 😱 not quite sure what to do with it.
Spider plants always used to be the student ‘go to’ plant that could survive any amount of neglect 😂 I inherited a cactus when my daughter’s best friend moved to South Africa aged 7 and wanted to re home her plants! The girls are now 30. The cactus is now an unstable 3ft tall 😱 not quite sure what to do with it.

I feel like I've missed out with spider plants! I was out deadheading my plants last year and acquired this one as a baby from a neighbour. It's grown loads but no babies yet. I rotate it when I water it but as its too big for window it lives in front of fire, so lots of daylight but obviously brighter light in spring/summer. Think this is why sometimes it looks sad, depending on which way is facing!

I've two cactus I had at uni. They've grown loads and been repotted about three times. Nearly 15 years old now!
Missed an Evri delivery today. The Porch (my safe place) was unlocked but it's difficult to open as the door has dropped and the handle is needs a lot of oomph to push down and open the door. I had an email to say that I needed to reschedule a parcel delivery. No card was left. I went onto the email but couldn't redirect the parcel. Now what am I supposed to do?
My vulnerable 86 year old MIL has been without a working phone now for nearly 6 days. She can receive calls but can't make them. It was first reported by the House Manager at her Sheltered Accommodation and her phone line is still the same. My MIL has just called me on her mobile and asked me to report it for a second time which, obviously, I'll do just as soon as my landline phone has charged up. Its disgraceful that a vulnerable 86 year old who lives on their own in Sheltered Accommodation should be without a properly working phone for so long. I am extremely unhappy that it's having to be reported again.
Missed an Evri delivery today. The Porch (my safe place) was unlocked but it's difficult to open as the door has dropped and the handle is needs a lot of oomph to push down and open the door. I had an email to say that I needed to reschedule a parcel delivery. No card was left. I went onto the email but couldn't redirect the parcel. Now what am I supposed to do?
Did you manage to sort out the delivery in the end?
My vulnerable 86 year old MIL has been without a working phone now for nearly 6 days. She can receive calls but can't make them. It was first reported by the House Manager at her Sheltered Accommodation and her phone line is still the same. My MIL has just called me on her mobile and asked me to report it for a second time which, obviously, I'll do just as soon as my landline phone has charged up. Its disgraceful that a vulnerable 86 year old who lives on their own in Sheltered Accommodation should be without a properly working phone for so long. I am extremely unhappy that it's having to be reported again.
I can empathize! My neighbors are like family. An 84-y-o man with vertigo, 78-y-o diabetic double amputee wife, and blind, diabetic (type 1), mobility challenged daughter. The daughter was actually in the hospital for the first week . They could only talk to their daughter when I was there with my cell phone. The hospital had to call me when there was an issue. The phone and internet company was doing work, and cut the power. No phone (or tv/internet) for two weeks while they denied they had done anything. The guys were actually outside the whole time continuing work, but would not walk the short distance to see the damage that even I could see.
My vulnerable 86 year old MIL has been without a working phone now for nearly 6 days. She can receive calls but can't make them. It was first reported by the House Manager at her Sheltered Accommodation and her phone line is still the same. My MIL has just called me on her mobile and asked me to report it for a second time which, obviously, I'll do just as soon as my landline phone has charged up. Its disgraceful that a vulnerable 86 year old who lives on their own in Sheltered Accommodation should be without a properly working phone for so long. I am extremely unhappy that it's having to be reported again.
Well after about half an hour on the phone, the very helpful man in the BT Office in Exeter managed to help me. I had to go to my MIL's and plug her phone into the modem. I was told to try and call my mobile which worked. It's a problem with the adapter on the wall. My MIL should receive a new one tomorrow. In my MIL's Sheltered Accommodation, there is one main phone line coming in and its splits off to the various flats with different numbers and you need an adapter in each flat for it all to work correctly.

The same problem happened a few weeks ago which was rectified. Apparently BT Open Reach had closed the case and had neglected to reopen it again. Honestly you couldn't make it up!
When we moved in to our old place over two years ago the landlord said we could decorate. He's been round several times over the years. When he did our leaving inspection he said "oh, you decorated, it's not white. I need it white"
As well as decorating we installed blinds, added worktop, installed (needed) shelving in the bathroom and kitchen as well as leaving an 18 month old double oven halogen cooker with splash back and extractor. Looks like new!
After expressing delight about the improvements making it much more desirable, he announced that he was keeping our deposit because he needs to decorate! We had to haggle to get him to give us something for the cooker.🤬
I put my spider plant pot on a sheet of kitchen roll, then on an old plastic picnic plate instead of its saucer. The soil is definitely too wet as the kitchen roll is damp. I'm going to repot it tomorrow, check the roots and fresh soil. Fingers crossed!
Some people I know are keeping a lone piggy. I have now met the poor little guy. He's in a pet shop cage that's maybe a 90cm, he has a tray full of sawdust and oats and nothing else. It looked like there is no spot cleaning done. He was chased round and caught then thrust into my arms, he is a tiny scrap of a boy under his floofyness and needs a serious nail trim. He felt very thin, he's an adult but I'd be surprised if he was even half the weight of my boys. When he was put back in his cage he was given a whole carrot.
They have been here and were amazed at my boys temporary accommodation of a 5x2. The situation is very delicate and there are a lot of reasons why I can't call them out on how he is being kept but I was being asked questions and used the answers to try and gently educate. For example, the hay tray was pointed out so I explained about unlimited hay and all the reasons why. I weighed and did the boys weekly checks to elicit more questions too. My heart just about broke when I was told that when he's given a handful of hay it gets eaten too fast so they limit it.🥺
Poor piggy. Hopefully @fluffysal the penny will drop for them after seeing your boys, sometimes it's best to lead by example as you have done. What would be seen as criticism often makes people dig their feet in more and decide they are right. A dawning that they could be doing a lot better may make them do some research and improve his lot.
I've had to cancel seeing my bestest friend (she's the sister I never had) tomorrow because of the weather! I don't fancy driving the 30 miles to Southampton through The New Forest in torrential rain and gale force winds. I haven't seen her since November and still have her Christmas present. We have postponed until next Thursday when hopefully the weather will be a bit kinder. Luckily she knew that I would cancel when I saw the weather forecast. She knows me too well. Then I suppose she would as we've been friends for 45 years!
Some people I know are keeping a lone piggy. I have now met the poor little guy. He's in a pet shop cage that's maybe a 90cm, he has a tray full of sawdust and oats and nothing else. It looked like there is no spot cleaning done. He was chased round and caught then thrust into my arms, he is a tiny scrap of a boy under his floofyness and needs a serious nail trim. He felt very thin, he's an adult but I'd be surprised if he was even half the weight of my boys. When he was put back in his cage he was given a whole carrot.
They have been here and were amazed at my boys temporary accommodation of a 5x2. The situation is very delicate and there are a lot of reasons why I can't call them out on how he is being kept but I was being asked questions and used the answers to try and gently educate. For example, the hay tray was pointed out so I explained about unlimited hay and all the reasons why. I weighed and did the boys weekly checks to elicit more questions too. My heart just about broke when I was told that when he's given a handful of hay it gets eaten too fast so they limit it.🥺
I have given them "spare" pellets ("the muesli is cheaper"), forage and hay. They were offered the 120 cage but they don't want it. When we discussed my "spare" cosies, I was shown that he had a fleece tunnel buried (filthy) under the poop filled sawdust (cheaper than wood shavings).
I can only hope they get bored with him and offer him to me.....💔
I have spare grids and a bit of a plan to be neighbours with the beastie boys just in case. I've been informed that they frequently give away unwanted pets so fingers crossed!
I can't be too pushy about it unfortunately.
There’s an old saying ‘ slowly slowly catchy Monkey ‘……in time ….🙏
I know that feeling. Also "I'll only have a couple of pints"

And that one too 😞 He didn’t come home until nearly 11.30 and couldn’t be bothered to let me know he was staying out. Like I say, I don’t mind him going out in the slightest but when he lies to me and then my mind goes in to overdrive 😞
I went to Southampton on Thursday to meet a friend. We had a lovely time shopping and just mooching around as you do. We came out of one shop and a woman approached me and asked me if I could help her. She then went to to explain that she was trying to get money together to pay the electricity bill and she had been robbed yesterday. I replied that I had been burgled and nobody had helped me, turned my back and walked away. Now this rant is for both that lady and me. Her because if she really had been robbed and was really desperate for money that shouldn't have happened and I'm very sorry how I treated her and me because if she was lying about being robbed she was trying to extort money out of me.
Being sick! Everyone in my family keeps getting sick with some sort of nasty bug! My oldest two had strep throat. Then we all had the flu. My daughter some how got hand, foot, and mouth (and I now know thanks to the forum, it is not spreadable to the piggies). My youngest now has REALLY bad pink eye, it looks like someone punched him in the eye! He had to get two antibiotic shots at the doctor yesterday. The doctor is going to call us tomorrow to see how much of an improvement has happened to see if he also needs oral antibiotics. And I now have strep throat. I've never had strep so bad before, I couldn't even swallow my spit as it was so painful.

We're hopefully going to be on the mend soon, but we've been sick since Valentine's day and I am over it! :hb: It's mostly annoying since the children have missed so much school and I have to have special notes sent to the schools so I don't get reported to the truancy officer.
Being sick! Everyone in my family keeps getting sick with some sort of nasty bug! My oldest two had strep throat. Then we all had the flu. My daughter some how got hand, foot, and mouth (and I now know thanks to the forum, it is not spreadable to the piggies). My youngest now has REALLY bad pink eye, it looks like someone punched him in the eye! He had to get two antibiotic shots at the doctor yesterday. The doctor is going to call us tomorrow to see how much of an improvement has happened to see if he also needs oral antibiotics. And I now have strep throat. I've never had strep so bad before, I couldn't even swallow my spit as it was so painful.

We're hopefully going to be on the mend soon, but we've been sick since Valentine's day and I am over it! :hb: It's mostly annoying since the children have missed so much school and I have to have special notes sent to the schools so I don't get reported to the truancy officer.
That sounds awful. I really hope you are all on the mend soon.