I am very sad to have Cerian 'Little Love' making her way to the Rainbow Bridge on Friday within spitting distance of her 7th birthday but she has been rather frail since nearly dying last August.

She is now reunited with her best friend Breila 'Briar Rose', whose sudden death just before Christmas a year ago she has taken hard. She never accepted another companion and preferred to wind up all the other Tribe piggies through the bars during her regular free roaming time. She did come to eventually tolerate non-threatening young Baeddan and Blodyn as her only acceptable direct cage neighbours, though.

Anyway, I travelled all the way by train to Sandwich on the East Coast of Kent (amazingly it is just a two train journey with a mile's footwalk between stations in London) in order to pick them up from April Lodge Guinea Pig Rescue in November 2018. They were about 1 1/2 years old no longer wanted children's pets with little chance of adoption between Breila's ruby eyes and Cerian's long hair in a full rescue. They are my only stumble while running the Adoptables adverts for Guinea Pig Magazine and never made it there.

Cerian (named in memory of vague lookalike Ceri 2009-14) and her closely bonded companion Breila came my way when my white coronet Carwyn would have to be pts just a few days later from what turned out to be brain tumour while Breila was a ringer for my Bedo who I had found death from a sudden overnight stroke just a few months earlier and was still missing dreadfully.

The two girls were extremely closely bonded and would usually share the same hut for at least part of the night. Cerian provided the emotional support for very skittish Breila. They never allowed any other piggies into their bond. Breila would defence lunge at any other piggy and Cerian would nonstop dominance hump any (non-aggressive) neutered boar she was introduced to.
Nevertheless, she was able to celebrate her 5th Gotcha Day (adoption anniversary). Old age has finally got to her around the time of her estimated 7th birthday. She made her last jump onto the Bridge to meet Breila again from my arms.

I have laid her to rest in the same planter as Breila with a little Spring bouquet containing Easter roses (hellebores), grape hyacinths but also a sprig of flowering rosemary for remembrance and the first forget-me-not.