I am totally gutted about losing yet another of my Tribe boars over the weekend.
Llelo deteriorated unexpectedly and very quickly over the course of Friday and Saturday but was still around by Monday morning - very weak and unable to take on enough feed and clearly in discomfort despite me putting him on metacam straight away - so I had to make the heartbreaking decision to cut short any further unnecessary suffering and to have him sent to Rainbow Bridge. He had been perking up a little on Sunday but not enough to change the outcome.
(Llelo is the baby on the left)
Llelo has always held a special place in my heart since he was born here on the last day of August 2018 when I emergency holiday boarded a local woman's pet shop bought guinea pigs after I was asked to have a look at one of them - she turned out to be in the very last stages of a pregnancy and gave birth to three baby boys within less than 24 hours after their arrival here.
The baby diary guide thread is following their first days:
First baby days: a video and picture diary (only visible to registered members)

Llelo returned here after weaning to live with my neutered ex-single Dylan who had sadly narrowly failed to find favour with my other fickle ex-single Beryn. I renamed baby Beetroot Llelo 'Little Llewelyn' in memory of my Tribe founding patriarch Llewelyn (2007-2011), who also had a mainly white and a mainly ginger side.
A video of their bonding can be be found in the baby bonding chapter of our Bonding guide.
Dylan had never lived with another piggy before but turned out to be a very caring uncle boar with young Llelo, who was keen to learn the boar ropes from him, including practising just the right hip swing in exactly the same place when rumble-strutting past the sow cages; it was so cute watching little Llelo practise his achievements on Dylan and giving Dylan the exercise he needed for his atrophied back muscles after years in a hamster cage.
Sadly, as a teenager Llelo proved to be just too quietly confident; the less willing to provide abject submission the more an increasingly frantic Dylan insisted on it. About halfway through Llelo's post-neutering wait I had to sadly split them even though there was never a fight but their relationship was becoming increasingly acrimonious.

Llelo had just finished his post-neutering safety wait when Miaren 'Bramble', one of his potential brides, managed to wiggle through a loose connector, have a look at the real estate and its owner, liked what she saw - and never left the cage or the rather stunned boy. Or acknowledged her feuding sister and old group mates...

Only days before I had to emergency pts Miaren after a sudden massive weight loss when one of her kidneys went badly wrong in 2022 I had bonded them with their neighbouring sow pair Brathlys 'Scarlet Pimpernel' and young Melangell 'Sweet Angel' (who had engaged in some heavy duty flirting through the bars with Llelo).
Brathlys passed away last August, aged ca. 6 years, but Melangell stayed with Llelo until the end.
Llelo celebrated his 5th birthday at the end of last August. He was a quiet and rather unassuming boar who deeply loved the three ladies in his life.
PS: I have moved Melangell next to Myrddin/Merlin so they can hopefully become good friends though the bars over the coming weeks until Myrddin is ready to meet and live with a sow.