Wasn't someone looking for some photos?

Hey @Lorcan - remind you of anyone 🤣🤣

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I was sat watching Chester playing with his squeaky toys and thought of your two.

I overslept this morning and only woke up when someone turned up for an 11am appointment :coat:I chucked in some hay and nuggets to tide over til the appointment was finished and then chucked in some watercress. Hangry hippo pigs was a very apt description!

I mean I felt bad because I overslept but I have never seen hangry quite like that today, lol. And then I went to take the cage photo for another thread, sat down to take it, and they were practically climbing the bars :flag:

However, the cavolo nero for dinner tonight seems to have (finally) placated them (phew!).
I'm just grateful they've not discovered bar biting yet, but I get piggy tums every mealtime. I have to find something to give them both at once (or food theft occurs almost immediately) and then chuck the rest of their food throughout the cage (gently, of course) while they're distracted.
"Hey where's the other one?"
"There's only one guinea pig."
"Check under the paper. The non-peed on piece."
"What? He won't be under there."
"He is."
"But there's no movement in it at all, he can't be un...oh, wait. He's there."

Every time, Bann, every time.
It's too bloody warm to have the heating on after spending an hour on this but a shower just won't do and I need a bath. Cam's sulking. Bann's forever hopeful for food.



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"No, you can't have it."
"I said no."
"I know it's paper. You still can't have it."
"No. No paper."
"No. You can't have the paper."
"I'm sorry, but no. The paper has takeaway grease and oil and curry all over it."
"It will make you ill."
"Stop it. You can't have the paper."
"No. No paper for you!"

My poor neighbours :lol!:
That also reminds me, I decided to take a video just to show how tall Bann can stretch himself to be. Except I did it twice because I forgot to hit "Record" the first time. :doh:

@Tigermoth you gave me the idea, heh.

The concentration on those faces when they heard a rustle! 😂
He's a really tall boy - all stretched out. :love:

If he's just pottering about the cage you'd never realise it though, it's like his belly is a secret Slinky, lol.

The concentration on those faces when they heard a rustle! 😂

I love it when they do it, lol. That immediate "oooh rustly noise" body posture.
It's that age old dilemma. You walk in, give them some hay, sit down and watch them come over to eat. Then you put your glasses on and realise there's still broccoli left in the cage.

You could take the broccoli out, but you'd spook then.

Walked into room, asked "how are we doing?"
Heard some wheeking coming from a bed, "Cam, is that you?"
Nose pokes itself out of the entrance, "Ah, yes it is."

I could always tell who wheeked with Comet and Blitzen because Blitzen was always happy to let Comet do the job for them both, 95% of the time. These two both wheek at similar volumes to each other. It's been 3 months and I'm still trying to work out who's who, lol.
It's crazy how it's been 3 months! Hope all is going well for you and the boys.
Yegads, somebody, anybody. Save me!

Bann's found his voice again as of this morning. Bann only has one wheek, the one that shrieks "EMERGENCY EMERGENCY". There is no emergency, that's just his default.
On top of that, Camowen refuses to be outdone in the wheeking stakes.

You'd think people were being murdered in the other room right now. :flag:
The audacity.

Bann has not moved from the same bed all day except when food's around. He's eating fine and everything, quite entertaining to watch because the bed has a side that won't stay up straight so you see him trying to shove his nose out to be sure what's going on and to let him see around him, but also he's trying to stretch at the same time.

And then I went upstairs to say hi and I can hear Cam's (rather soft, for once) wheeking from their room. And I go inside and Cam's standing...like, the wall's collapsed down and he's standing, front paws on this, looking towards the back wall. There's no sign of movement otherwise and Cam's worryingly quiet wheeks are not helping.

So, panic attack ensues, obviously, but I don't really want to move that bed to be sure so I sit down on the human bed to consider my options, and I sit right next to the pellet bag.

Bann's fine, btw. He was hiding in the far corner of the cage under a 2x3 stretch of fleece over the top of the cage which is why I couldn't see him. :td: :))
Bann's not impressed I stopped him from eating the rubbish bag he went to all the effort of pulling through the bars.

I'm not impressed I left the heating on for a full cage clean and had to open their room window.
