Wasn't someone looking for some photos?

I'd wait a while with the poops before getting worried, a new diet and cage and feeding schedule and home can always throw things off for a couple of weeks and there is a lot of individual variation- our little Talluah does giant poops, while enormous furry Lavender does tiny dainty poops, and Blodwen's are always egg shaped not sausage shaped! And they all get exactly the same diet lol :)
Waiting for disposable gloves for poop picking, and I didn't come up the stairs so I clearly can't have food on me so they're uninterested lol.

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Hello cuties. :luv: I wouldn't worry about the poops, as long as their weight is stable. They have had quite a week, it is bound to have had an effect of them.
Oh, these two. So, what have I learned in 5 days?

They ignore thyme. Which isn't bad because it should be a very rare treat anyway but it's kind of hilarious, they just don't even acknowledge it's there. No spitting it out, no making faces, it's just like it doesn't exist.
They don't like corn.
Bann doesn't mind mangetout, Camowen will eat it until he realises something else is available.
They do like blueberries, however -

They like their greens more. Do not get between these two and their lettuce, it's a dangerous game to play :))
Gosh skinny pigs do drunk and poop lots.mine drink 800.ls aday.they are very affectionate. Hyperactive.but just so lovely.They love Matthew there husband.your piggies are very handsome.

They eat so much hay! Which also isn't bad but they act like I'm skimping on their hay allowance. They stop partway through veggie time to go back on the hay again lol.
Last ones for a while I swear, we've just had another minor dominance dance and they're now on opposite sides of the hay mountain ignoring each other :doh: still, happy munching noises ftw

I can’t believe I missed your big day. congratulations on the skinny boys they are beautiful!
they are beautiful!

Not quite so blessed in the brains department, at least in Cam's case - I left a hoodie in their room earlier and thought I had to retrieve something from the pocket. In a bid to not upset the Noisy Ones I took in a couple of blueberries each. Bann came for his just fine. Cam wouldn't so I gently tossed them his way, which is when he realised "oh, Dad has food!". and ran right over the blueberries to get his share from me.


I had to go retrieve them, and Bann still nearly ended up with one of them anyway. Sigh.

But maybe I'm just projecting, because what I thought was in the hoodie pocket was on my desk the hole time. Glass houses and all that.
My Percy likes to have a break from his breakfast veggies to top up with hay and then go back to his veggies. I also put some coriander down for Pepper and he ran over it to me for the coriander which was now behind him. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Poos, glorious poos! 💩💩💩:D

You should've seen what came out of the beds!

I'll have to see if we can find a couple of spare beds. 😃

I have spares (thanks to @PigglePuggle who sent them over with the bowls), but today's plan involved washing all the fleece they'd used. Once they've dried I'll clean them out fully, then put the fleece in with the new clean bedding.

I swear I scooped the poopy bedding out last night and replaced the bedding. And somehow they've made it worse.
You should've seen what came out of the beds!

I have spares (thanks to @PigglePuggle who sent them over with the bowls), but today's plan involved washing all the fleece they'd used. Once they've dried I'll clean them out fully, then put the fleece in with the new clean bedding.

I swear I scooped the poopy bedding out last night and replaced the bedding. And somehow they've made it worse.
Dora has a bed shaped like a cauliflower and she can roll it so that the entrance is on the bottom of the cage. When we gently lift it up she is just sat there surrounded by a pile of poop.


We're still doing the dominance dances, I've seen it twice since starting in the cage tonight, but nothing serious. A bit of squealing, both face washing in front of the other, that's it. Oh, and trying to steal each others hay strand.
All I can say is....do not leave plastic bags etc near the bars of the cage ,or you will find holes in it.i Place a black bag near the cage I was cleaning,popped to toilet,came back to find a piggie inthe black bag where old lettuce had been placed !🙄
All I can say is....do not leave plastic bags etc near the bars of the cage ,or you will find holes in it.i Place a black bag near the cage I was cleaning,popped to toilet,came back to find a piggie inthe black bag where old lettuce had been placed !🙄
I had a black sack fall over so it was within nibbling distance of the run. By the time I noticed the black sack had a nice hole in it thanks to Lexi who clearly thought that poop and wee flavoured hay was much tastier than the fresh stuff in the run!