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Ulcers on genitals?

Jynx had her biopsy today. If I hadn't bought more Meloxicam, then it should've come to £660 in the end - which is better than I thought when I was quoted ~£750 at drop-off. 😅

I've been given Karidox as well, which the vet is hoping is the best antibiotic to target her condition. Lab results will confirm whether that's the case in a week or so. Wish us luck!

Expensive but hopefully you'll get some answers. My Stripe has cost a lot lately with emergency visits and X-rays as well. Good thing I keep a savings!
Jynx had her biopsy today. If I hadn't bought more Meloxicam, then it should've come to £660 in the end - which is better than I thought when I was quoted ~£750 at drop-off. 😅

I've been given Karidox as well, which the vet is hoping is the best antibiotic to target her condition. Lab results will confirm whether that's the case in a week or so. Wish us luck!

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Fingers very firmly crossed that the expense is worth the answer!