Two spoilt pigs 😊

Dear Pebble and Pepper

How dare your Slave say you are "fatties" How VERY dare she?!? You are just hunky boars that is all. She wouldn't want you too thin would she? There is nothing wrong with a boar of stout stature.

To show your disapproval of her calling you nasty names you must:-
  • Turn your bum towards her whenever she comes near you
  • Stop wheaking at veg time (I know this is hard but she needs to know that you are unhappy)
  • Start chewing the bars as Slaves find the noise strangely comforting and ignore her if she tells you to "shut up" or "stop that noise" Slaves do this.
I haven't given you all the advice that I would usually give to show your annoyance at your Slave as I understand she is going in for a major operation next week so you can't be mad at her for too long.

Yours very disappointed in your Slave

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Last week I had to have back surgery. So maintenance man has had a promotion. He’s now officially daddy slave. He’s been doing an amazing job. They are clean and fresh. Fed and happy.

The boys gave him a 5 ⭐️ review. 🤣
That’s lovely and very helpful for you with your recovery ( one less thing to worry about)
I hope your recovery goes well weepweeps 🥰
Last week I had to have back surgery. So maintenance man has had a promotion. He’s now officially daddy slave. He’s been doing an amazing job. They are clean and fresh. Fed and happy.

The boys gave him a 5 ⭐️ review. 🤣
That's lovely and very helpful for you.
But the review will change because their expectations from him are low right now.......
And you know what fickle beasts they are......
They will get him on the naughty list.....😂🥰😁😍