Two spoilt pigs 😊

I’ve ordered the boys an extension to their cage. It will make it a Ferplast 200! I can’t wait. I’m so excited. I’m sure they will love the extra space.

I had a 15% Easter Code for ferplast. EASTER24 if anyone else wants to try and use it.
Dear Pepper and Pebble

Why are you in Laundry Basket Prison when you are only being cleaned out? Laundry Basket Prison is only used by our Slave when we have eye drops (luckily I haven't had to have those yet). Thea's had eye drops and she says that they aren't very nice. I hope you haven't had to endure them too!

When Slave cleans out the hutch we are put in the run. Have you got a run you can go in? It's much more fun than the Laundry Basket Prison. I see you have lots of yummy hay but you can't zoomie, popcorn or bounce in Laundry Basket Prison.

I wouldn't put up with this behaviour by your Slave any more. Complain like made whenever you are put in this Prison and make it very difficult for your Slave to catch you. When she has wriggle like mad so she has to put you down before you're plonked in Prison and then you can run off and hide behind something.

Yours completely disgusted that you have been put in Prison for just being cleaned out.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Pepper and Pebble,
Well done to Miss Bramble for being so quick to notice this injustice! No wonder your slave is on the naughty list FOREVER. Why did she put you in laundry basket prison? When our slave cleans the Beastie Boys Palace with Penthouse we are allowed to stay in and oversee that the work is done to our standard. It's usually clean enough to make us popcorn but she never puts the beds in the right places so we have to take time out of scent marking and pooping over the clean fleeces to move them around. And poor Sir George has to rearrange the humping harem but at least we don't get put in prison!
We think you should spend ages chewing on the bars really loudly now as punishment. We have just discovered bar chewing, it's fun!
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris
Dear Miss Bramble @Betsy and George and Boris @fluffysal thank you for your concern.

We really don’t mind the laundry basket prison. We get lots of fresh yummy hay and are nice and safe.

Sometimes the slave does clean our home out with us in it. We enjoy that. It’s fun getting in the way. We think she likes it too as she will tickle us lots and make us run away.

But sometimes she likes to spray F10 around and we don’t think we’d like to be in there then.

So she’s not a bad slave really. Maybe she could come off the naughty list FOREVER?

Love Pepper and Pebble