Truffle and Polo

Glad you noticed! He objected a bit at the time, but seemed pleased about it afterwards!
Easier to get your paws on the ground if your claws aren't long enough to make your toes all twisty!
It's a hot and sleepy afternoon!


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Truffle after a panic hair cut, the 28C weather forecast crept up on me last night 😯 I got a tiny nip for my temerity.
I've put ice pods into their cages and the air purifier is running to help to cool the air. Curtains closed too. A conciliatory carrot 🥕


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Polo used to accept bring chased about by Truffle, just making a placatory noise and giving way, but over the weeks he put on weight and Truffle became more uncertain and a bit desperate. Spring fever might bd a part if it too. Now Polo chatters his teeth and looks angry and bristles all over. Tensions are at breaking point. Polo is clearly not enjoying their interaction and Truffle has changed the sound he makes and his body language, it's no longer rumble strutting but a weird squeegee sound and sideways cornering of Polo. There's no resolution to the chasing and I don't want to risk them having a serious fight while I'm out for the day. I also made the mistake of changing all the bedding at once, and that seemed to aggravate things. They seem contented enough. Both look a bit psycho piggy when they cross paths, but with the fence between them, they are fully relaxed, as far as I can tell from my human perceptions 🤞