Truffle and Polo

Eat with your elbows on the table, it's the best way 😃


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Polo got stuck in the orange snuggle sack at veggies time, trying to exit backwards and forwards at the same time in a hurry takes a bit of practice. Still, I think they are both still big snuggle sack fans. I might need to get bigger ones though 😃
Hello, welcome to the forum. I'm new here to and have to say everyone has been so lovely and helpful. I came home with the pet shop cage and 3 boars Alpha, Bravo and Charlie... But I got such good advice here on what they need etc to thrive.

Hope you find it as useful as I have and love your little piggies, very cute x


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Deferential and polite, Polo treats Truffle with respect, often giving up a piece of food when accosted by the herd leader (which is me by the way, or should be, most of the time😆) But Truffle does let him beg a piece of food off him at times. Polo can stand his ground when he chooses to, and seems fully invested in the hierarchy of herd life. He seems to be good at dealing with guinea pig politics.


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This is such a lovely thread, I think it may be better if it was moved either to Guinea Pig chat or Photos and Videos.
As this is the Introduction thread it may get overlooked by some people who would love to drool over your gorgeous boys.
If you want to do this one of the mods can do the tech bit, just tag them and ask.
Thanks, yes, I would like to move the thread to Guinea Pig Chat. I will look for a Mod. Glad you are enjoying the thread!
@VickiA Hi Vicki, please could you help me move this thread to Guinea Pig Chat if possible, thank you.
Sadly the boys are not that compatible at the moment. Luckily I am on leave and can try to help them. They haven't actually fought, so I am hoping to reintegrate them in due course. I will consult all the great guidance on this forum and keep the thread posted of developments. The main problem currently (until more come along, that is) is bar biting.


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I have days when I think my boys bond is breaking. I read the bonds in trouble guide again and (with them) it's just piggy dramas. This has stopped me separating them as I realise that what I see as the end is still in the green zone.
As they get older it's definitely less frequent and it's ALWAYS Mischievous Master Boris being a bit of a brat that starts it 🙄
I have days when I think my boys bond is breaking. I read the bonds in trouble guide again and (with them) it's just piggy dramas. This has stopped me separating them as I realise that what I see as the end is still in the green zone.
As they get older it's definitely less frequent and it's ALWAYS Mischievous Master Boris being a bit of a brat that starts it 🙄
They will have their moments from time to time but most bonds do actually work out
Polo teeth chattering and bristling. Truffle swings his rear end towards Polo, making a noise like an insistent squeegee. Polo wants to avoid a fight. The kitchen is where the hay is, but both piggies are in the hall.


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Truffle is boss, and Polo is good at humouring him, but sometimes flumps him away, just now and then. I am kind to both of them and it seems to keep them content. I have to be confident but kind with them, and keep them calm. I need to get a bigger cage with more room for tunnels, which they love. They are skittish and don't enjoy being picked up but are getting to accept stroking and are quite good once on my lap or the towel for grooming, health checks and lap time.
Try the good old.. treats on small bed, once they hop on, pick up the bed. I find it's better than trying to catch up or spending ages coaxing them out! I do it with a bed and a cat carry cage (it's theirs so it doesn't smell like cat) as soon as they see me coming they come to see weather it's feed time or inside time for cuddles, weighing or training, they hop straight in, then straight out into my arms. A couple come to me and let me pick them up or jump on my lap, some just don't like being picked up much ever
Try the good old.. treats on small bed, once they hop on, pick up the bed. I find it's better than trying to catch up or spending ages coaxing them out! I do it with a bed and a cat carry cage (it's theirs so it doesn't smell like cat) as soon as they see me coming they come to see weather it's feed time or inside time for cuddles, weighing or training, they hop straight in, then straight out into my arms. A couple come to me and let me pick them up or jump on my lap, some just don't like being picked up much ever
Thank you, yes, guinea pigs are clever and learn the significance of various objects in their lives. Those are great tips 👍