The Pigglingtons

Thanks everyone for the support it's good to be able to 'talk' to people who understand how much these little furries mean to us.
Red and Brillo have picked up again and are tormenting each other at the bars.
Timmy has had a hormone surge the last few days and is trying to hump Freddie at every opportunity. Timmy doesn't often have much success, as the smaller piggy he has trouble reaching :)) . If what I was told when I got them was right they are 14 months old now, when they first came here Freddie was very much the dominant one, they seem to have had a power shift. I love watching piggie dynamics, for more entertaining than anything on TV!
You a4e so right, so entertaining watching their shenanigans there’s never a dull moment is there 😊 I’m looking forward to spring too, I think everyone will feel better x
Red and Brillo enjoying their presents from auntie @alpacasqueak . Thank you so much Becci they have had so much fun with these boxes. Red is 5 just about now and Brillo is 4 and has his gotcha day on February 14th. I couldn't get a photo of Freddie and Timmy, they hide every time I get close enough to the cage, they don't like the camera! I will take some up to date photos of them when the weather improves a bit and the light is better, Freddie is too dark in poor light photos. They have grown so much, they must be about 15months old now so no longer teenagers. Timmy is now the dominant one, a complete change over from when they first arrived. They are lovely together during the day, sleeping and eating beside each other, such sweet companions. Timmy does a character change around 6 in the evening and starts a mad humping spree that goes on for hours, poor Freddie does submission squeals and gets very upset, hoping Timmy grows out of this soon, Freddie is so loud!
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Red and Brillo enjoying their presents from auntie @alpacasqueak . Thank you so much Becci they have had so much fun with these boxes. Red is 5 just about now and Brillo is 4 and has his gotcha day on February 14th. I couldn't get a photo of Freddie and Timmy, they hide every time I get close enough to the cage, they don't like the camera! I will take some up to date photos of them when the weather improves a bit and the light is better, Freddie is too dark in poor light photos. They have grown so much, they must be about 15months old now so no longer teenagers. Timmy is now the dominant one, a complete change over from when they first arrived. They are lovely together during the day, sleeping and eating beside each other, such sweet companions. Timmy does a character change around 6 in the evening and starts a mad humping spree that goes on for hours, poor Freddie does submission squeals and gets very upset, hoping Timmy grows out of this soon, Freddie is so loud!
These boxes are lovely, my lot were lucky to get them at Christmas and they didn’t last long, they had great fun eating all the lovely hay inside them
Ginger and a posh on the gobble!
These boxes are lovely, my lot were lucky to get them at Christmas and they didn’t last long, they had great fun eating all the lovely hay inside them
Ginger and a posh on the gobble!
That is really lovely hay, there wasn't a strand left, they really enjoyed pulling the boxes apart looking for the goodies in them. These were going to be a Christmas present but when Becci told me she was sending something I asked her to hold on until after Christmas. Pre Christmas our papers were full of pictures of the sorting office with piles of post outside and stories of rats and even a fox tearing parcels open. I've had two other parcels arrive this week one was posted in November the other early January! So I'm glad Becci didn't post these for Christmas, they would have been ruined if held up.
That is really lovely hay, there wasn't a strand left, they really enjoyed pulling the boxes apart looking for the goodies in them. These were going to be a Christmas present but when Becci told me she was sending something I asked her to hold on until after Christmas. Pre Christmas our papers were full of pictures of the sorting office with piles of post outside and stories of rats and even a fox tearing parcels open. I've had two other parcels arrive this week one was posted in November the other early January! So I'm glad Becci didn't post these for Christmas, they would have been ruined if held up.
yes, my lot went mad for them. Definitely worth waiting, those delays are dreadful. I posted some money for my friend’s grandson (for Christmas) he finally got it last week 🙄 Where on earth do all the parcels go? Around the world and back? 😆
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Red and Brillo enjoying their presents from auntie @alpacasqueak . Thank you so much Becci they have had so much fun with these boxes. Red is 5 just about now and Brillo is 4 and has his gotcha day on February 14th. I couldn't get a photo of Freddie and Timmy, they hide every time I get close enough to the cage, they don't like the camera! I will take some up to date photos of them when the weather improves a bit and the light is better, Freddie is too dark in poor light photos. They have grown so much, they must be about 15months old now so no longer teenagers. Timmy is now the dominant one, a complete change over from when they first arrived. They are lovely together during the day, sleeping and eating beside each other, such sweet companions. Timmy does a character change around 6 in the evening and starts a mad humping spree that goes on for hours, poor Freddie does submission squeals and gets very upset, hoping Timmy grows out of this soon, Freddie is so loud!
Awww so glad they enjoyed! Gorgeous bubs :luv::luv::luv:
Happy belated Gotcha Day to beautiful Brillo too 🥳:love: xx

Oh and the hay was the soft timothy from! Not our usual orchard grass but these guys all seem to enjoy it and doesn’t set off Queen Cleo’s trumpet nose! :):))
Some photo's of the boys I took today. Freddie was being difficult and wouldn't come out of hiding, it took a coriander bribe!



Red and Brillo putting the world to right at the end of Brillo's runway. The runway is attached to his cage and goes across the room to Red. This was the only way we could give the through the bars contact without compromising on cage size.
The magazine on Brillo's cage is no. 21 Guinea Pig Magazine. With talk on the forum about the magazine I have been missing it (one of the things I've sadly given up due to cost of living) so have started reading the back issues again.
Some photo's of the boys I took today. Freddie was being difficult and wouldn't come out of hiding, it took a coriander bribe!

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Red and Brillo putting the world to right at the end of Brillo's runway. The runway is attached to his cage and goes across the room to Red. This was the only way we could give the through the bars contact without compromising on cage size.
The magazine on Brillo's cage is no. 21 Guinea Pig Magazine. With talk on the forum about the magazine I have been missing it (one of the things I've sadly given up due to cost of living) so have started reading the back issues again.
Aw they are all looking gorgeous Sue. Are they all better now? I love your cage set ups too x
Aw they are all looking gorgeous Sue. Are they all better now? I love your cage set ups too x
Thank you. I've just changed T&F to a 4x3 with a 1x2 bit into the alcove from a 6x2 L shape. I like the 3 width, there's more room for Timmy's turns when he's doing zoomies.
Yes they have all had the all clear from the vet for the infection. Red and Brillo are on Metacam for their arthritis for life, the infection left Brillo deaf but it doesn't seem to stop him enjoying life and I think he maybe hearing a little more now.
Thank you. I've just changed T&F to a 4x3 with a 1x2 bit into the alcove from a 6x2 L shape. I like the 3 width, there's more room for Timmy's turns when he's doing zoomies.
Yes they have all had the all clear from the vet for the infection. Red and Brillo are on Metacam for their arthritis for life, the infection left Brillo deaf but it doesn't seem to stop him enjoying life and I think he maybe hearing a little more now.
Aw that’s good overall news then, what a nightmare it’s been for you but you have got them better now, you are so dedicated x
I have just seen the sweetest thing, at least I hope it's sweet, you never know with these boys, it could easily have an ulterior motive! Brillo has just had a bad squeaky pooping session by the barrier, Red went rushing over to him looking very concerned. Red stuck his nose through the grid and Brillo was licking Reds face. These boys really should live in the same cage without beating each other up, I'm sure they could be happy if they let old grudges lie. Brillo's had some extra painkiller, hope it kicks in soon I hate seeing him like this. He's not had a bad day for 3 weeks, wish I knew why it happens. Brillo is a year younger than Red but he is starting to look a lot older, his hair is thinning and although he's not losing weight he is losing muscle mass. I just want to give him a big hug and a cuddle but that really wouldn't go down well, Brillo is not a people pig. Despite his arthritis Red is still rushing about like a young piggie, he lives life at a run never a walk, every turn is a jump around and he frequently pop corns.
It's been all go here this week. We are having a new roof, it's incredibly noisy. The piggies are spending the day time in the shed/workshop in pens. They are not too happy with the change in routine but they would be more unhappy indoors with the noise. They will be out there again next week as my neighbours are having their roof done too. It's going to be such a relief to not worry about leaks any more (I hope!). The neighbour across the road told us his friend has had his roof done and it leaks worse than it did before (thanks for that, we really didn't need to know!).
In a months time the leaking windows and doors are to be changed as well so the boys will be back out in the shed again unless the weather has picked up to allow them some grass time.
I just realised Red and Brillo haven't had their Metacam today. I better go and remedy that, with all the upheaval of moving them out this morning I completely forgot.
Good luck with the new roof, I hope you have no more leaks, that must be awful worrying everytime there’s a downpour 🤞Tell the boys the upheaval will be more than worth it once everything has been done
We got a couple of months break from sick piggies, Brillo's now squeaky weeing! The squeak is different to his usual arthritic joints in a awkward position poop squeak. I have seen a couple of little blood spots on the fleece. I'm really hoping it's an infection and easy to clear up. I have cancelled going to stay with my daughter twice in the last 2 weeks due to a very over running building job and have arranged to go on Tuesday or Wednesday this coming week. I'm thinking at the moment I will go and take Red and Brillo with me. Off to the vet later this afternoon where I hope we can get some answers!
The good news is they have just arrived to take down the scaffold which was supposed to be up for 4 days, today is day 16! Have moved the boys to the shed it's about to get noisy!
The vet thinks Brillo has very fine grit in his bladder, it was too late in the day to fit in a xray and they are booked up until the end of next week. We are going to treat with Cystease, he's already on pain meds for his arthritis and see how he goes for now, if no improvement he will be xrayed and the urine sent for testing. The vet said grit in piggies with arthritis is not uncommon because they don't position themselves properly to wee the bladder doesn't empty properly, there is also a stress factor to this (plenty of stress here latey)! We are hoping with upped pain meds, Cystease and wetting veg we can get him to do a few big wees and expell it. She has left it to me to weigh daily and decide if he needs some top up syringing. The vet did say it would be okay to take him away next week, she doesn't think it will stress him too much as he is used to doing it. He will have Red to keep him company in another carrier in the car.
The scaffold has half gone, they left, didn't say anything about when they are coming back. It's so annoying because we have been like this now for 2 weeks, everyday it's been will the roofers turn up today now it's will the scaffolders turn up today! We haven't been able to go out at the same time because one of us needs to be here to move the piggies. My partners fed up because he wants his workshop back, it's full of C&C cages!
Poor Brillo, hoping the Cystease and the pain meds help and he is soon on the mend 🤞Oh and you get rid of these workmen pretty soon 🤞
I haven't heard Brillo squeak since he went to the vet so fingers crossed the worst is past. She did say this could be ongoing with him because of the arthritis but hopefully we get some long breaks from it. I didn't realise arthritis could be a cause of bladder sludge but as they say you do learn something new every day. I really hope he doesn't need a bladder flush and xray next week, I don't think my nerves or my bank balance can take much more.
Half the scaffold is still here, after all their promises it's still here. If it's not gone tomorrow I'm going to have to cancel going away for the 3rd time. I really hate people sometimes, it wouldn't be so bad if they'd done a good job but I'm not convinced they have.
All's been fairly good here, I got away to my daughter's and have been again since for some lovely relaxing time. Brillo still squeaky wees occasionally as predicted, it lasts a day sometimes 2 and then he will go quiet again for a few weeks. Red's started doing it as well sometimes too, as he also has arthritis in his spine and knees it's not a surprise.
The big news is we have a new little friend. I've been really good this year saying no to sob stories but Bobby's story got to me and we've had a bad week. The causes of the bad week aren't something we can do anything about right now but saying yes to a little piggy in need helps distract the mind until life is on an even keel again. I will post some pictures of Bobby soon, he's a little shy right now but he did take a grass stalk from my hand today. He looked really surprised when he did it, the look said 'what did I just do'! :)) Bobby's had ringworm so I am going to endear myself to him even more tomorrow by giving him a bath just in case he's carrying any spores. He's been treated for 3 weeks with intra fungal and had a gap of 3 weeks after treatment before he came here so hopefully he won't have brought anything with him. His hair has completely grown back in and he had the all clear from his previous vet. I've registered him with my vet and he will be going for a check up soon. He's in quarantine in my bedroom at the moment, when he's doing zoomies it sounds like the thunder has arrived early. His favourite drinking time (very loudly) is 5.30am, the sooner he can move downstairs with the big boys the better!
I’m so sorry you’ve had bad news this week :hug: hope it’s something that can be sorted

But a big hello to Bobby! I knew you couldn’t resist another piggie even though you did say no more a while back 😊 Can’t wait to see and hear all about him soon x
Sorry you’ve had a bad week. Hope it is something that can be sorted soon. Meanwhile Bobby will hopefully bring you some joy 😊
Thank you everyone for your kind concern.
We were having a new kitchen and bathroom, both have serious plumbing problems and hadn't been touched for at least 30 years. On Monday the car broke down, we very unexpectedly need a new one. We've had to cancel the bathroom and kitchen probably until next year. I felt so disappointed, I hate cars, we tried to manage without one 2 years ago and after 3 months we realised we couldn't.
No one died, we will survive even if the plumbing leaks. Luckily I hadn't accepted any quotes or ordered anything so I can put 3 weeks of kitchen and tile tracking down to experience. Maybe we will go back to plan A and just move! These things happen for a reason, I've lived through much much worse.
The upside is I have a new furry friend. If we were having the building work done I wouldn't have agreed to take him.
We walked over to B&Q just now and bought a sheet of Corex. I had his cage on a plastic sheet, this is what I always use for temporary cages, little B discovered he could push the grids around and pee on the floor. I stepped in a big puddle with bare feet. As everything he goes near has to be binned or disinfected with F10 until I'm convinced he's ringworm free, it's not a good idea to have a mobile cage. New liner assembled and attached to the grids, room sprayed with F10, I'm exhausted, this little piggy is very hard work.
Thank you everyone for your kind concern.
We were having a new kitchen and bathroom, both have serious plumbing problems and hadn't been touched for at least 30 years. On Monday the car broke down, we very unexpectedly need a new one. We've had to cancel the bathroom and kitchen probably until next year. I felt so disappointed, I hate cars, we tried to manage without one 2 years ago and after 3 months we realised we couldn't.
No one died, we will survive even if the plumbing leaks. Luckily I hadn't accepted any quotes or ordered anything so I can put 3 weeks of kitchen and tile tracking down to experience. Maybe we will go back to plan A and just move! These things happen for a reason, I've lived through much much worse.
The upside is I have a new furry friend. If we were having the building work done I wouldn't have agreed to take him.
We walked over to B&Q just now and bought a sheet of Corex. I had his cage on a plastic sheet, this is what I always use for temporary cages, little B discovered he could push the grids around and pee on the floor. I stepped in a big puddle with bare feet. As everything he goes near has to be binned or disinfected with F10 until I'm convinced he's ringworm free, it's not a good idea to have a mobile cage. New liner assembled and attached to the grids, room sprayed with F10, I'm exhausted, this little piggy is very hard work.
I didn’t know whether to cry 😢 because of the problems or laugh 😂 because of Bobby’s antics.
Hope the problems get sorted and congratulations on Bobby’s arrival
I didn’t know whether to cry 😢 because of the problems or laugh 😂 because of Bobby’s antics.
Hope the problems get sorted and congratulations on Bobby’s arrival
I've always hated that car so I think I'm laughing really as it means it's going. Although we will have to live with this plumbing a while longer at least we got rid of the leaks coming in from outside this year with the new roof and windows. Not only that I can see out of these windows and they let the light in, the old ones were so misted it was like having net curtains.
Bobby's going to give us lots of laughs I think, he has Caspy's personality. I didn't think there would ever be such a cheeky live wire again but we've got one!