The Pigglingtons

Brillo’s little face! 😍 Red sounds like a real character. They all look adorable. Love those hammock pics!
Reds not doing so well. He's not eating hay, his poops are small and soft, he's tired. I'm hoping it's the heat although their rooms not overly hot it can get a bit stuffy. He was at the vets 2 weeks ago and she commented on how well he was doing despite his age (6.5) and his health problems. As well as his arthritis he has an enlarged heart which I suspect is struggling now. His eyes and coat have a nice shine today so I am carefully optimistic for him. I've been having a bit of a battle with myself over what to do. I've now made a decision! I don't think taking him to the vet in this heat is going to help, he hates the journey and the place. I don't want to syringe feed him and prolong his suffering but given his coat and eyes I've decided to give him some syringe food and Fibreplex over the weekend and see how he does. He is on Metacam and Gabapentin anyway so the pain angle is covered. I'm lucky that our vets are open 7 days a week so should things go down hill I can get him seen.
If you read this far thanks, the down side of pet ownership!
😢 Sending healing vibes to Red. You know him best to make the best decision for him. X
Just put a bowl of syringe feed in Red's cage. I decided to let him decide if he wanted it or not. He gave me a look like about time too, and is eating it like he hasn't been feed for weeks!
There's some very dark cloud coming up from the South West so hopefully it will rain and clear the air.
Poor Red, hoping he is feeling better soon. The rain is on its way! It’s quite a bit cooler today and very windy down here. Hope it’s with you very soon 🌦️
Poor Red and poor you. Thinking of you both and wishing you a cooler and less stressful evening, it’s good that he’s enjoying the good.
He's a bit brighter this morning but not eating much. He's nibbled some grass, dried forage and some oat bran. It's hard seeing a piggy who would normally eat everything in front of him suddenly stop. Brillo has gone fussy as well now, tale tale small poop. No excited bar biting when I came down this morning, the other's didn't come out to see me until I put their food in the cages. We have an unusually quiet piggy room.
It's much fresher today, my fingers are firmly crossed for them.
He's a bit brighter this morning but not eating much. He's nibbled some grass, dried forage and some oat bran. It's hard seeing a piggy who would normally eat everything in front of him suddenly stop. Brillo has gone fussy as well now, tale tale small poop. No excited bar biting when I came down this morning, the other's didn't come out to see me until I put their food in the cages. We have an unusually quiet piggy room.
It's much fresher today, my fingers are firmly crossed for them.
Sending everyone hugs and healing vibes, hope they perk up now the weather is fresher x
It's always so hard to watch when they are not interested in food. :(
It is, it's so un piggy like! A box of Piggie Parcels forage arrived today so I am trying them with bits and pieces from that. It's them refusing all their favourite foods that gets me. I've picked grass and dandelions today, they had a few nibbles and left them. The other 4 think it's great all these special treats coming their way.