The Bradshaw Family

Now that’s a good start to the weekend…

Woody getting the all clear from the vets yesterday! 🥳🥳🥳 so we can get training again

He was quite literally “bouncing” around the track this evening on our ride. He felt like a 4 year old again 🧡🧡🧡



And we had a lovely day out with Koda. Lots of walking and stopping off for a drink on the way back 🐾🐾💙💙💙

He’s looking very handsome. 😍 Is there no mud up your way?
Oh there is. The fields are trashed. He goes out a few days a week but on other days I’ll exercise him and keep him in. Don’t want him stood in water too much. Plus he likes to throw shoes! So he gets out when he can
I've actually managed to catch my neighbour hosting the local hunt today, so lovely to see all the smartly turned out horses and hounds.
ahh brilliant! Yes it's lovely to see the horses and hounds looking smart! 🥰 My friend asked me to join them on a hunt with Woody, but I'm too precious about him (can't risk him getting broken 😂 )
We really can't wait for spring! But it was nice to get a couple of photography projects in over the last few weeks. I'm really pleased with the horsey shots we captured at a training clinic


and I finally got round to uploading some of the shots from an old property that we photographed. The property has been taken over by new owners and is in much need of repair. We wanted to capture the feel of the place. The owner wanted some before and after photos, so we will be returning in a few months to capture the progress

What a super busy week!

Lots of exciting research going on at work. Particularly a collaborative study we are doing with Liverpool university to look at 3D kinematic data and EMG muscle activation data when the horse reins back.
Plus we’ve had some brilliant guest lectures for students, including a past student who is now an equine sports massage and rehabilitation specialist


Woody has spent a couple of days at Leahurst equine hospital this week. For a follow up CT scan and dental examination after his tooth extraction last summer. Good news is his teeth look great! He will just need three monthly dentals from now on, instead of six. To keep on top of any food getting trapped in his diastemas.
He was so pleased to be home. Koda was pleased he was home too!
I also caught up with my vet re Woody’s recent X-rays. He definitely has degenerative changes going on. But he’s in his 16th year now and has had quite the competitive career with his show jumping and dressage! So he probably won’t jump anymore, but with correct fitness conditioning over the next couple of months, the vet sees no reason why we won’t be out competing dressage.
His changes will end up with him retiring eventually, but for now we will continue to periodically medicate the joints and keep him fit and working. He’s such a sharp horse, he thrives off work! He’s a nightmare when he’s doing nothing 😂
So it’s onwards and upwards over the next couple of years with my boy 🧡


And in other news, Koda has decided he would like his own castle…. 😂😂

Koda is doing great. I’m looking forward to some adventures with him this weekend 🐾💙

We have even more busy weeks ahead as we have the para dressage championships at work, and then the premier league dressage championships. We also have a demo next weekend, with Olympic rider Gareth Hughes.
I need to get cracking with Woody’s training too. I’m excited for this year’s competition season

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! 🥰
We really can't wait for spring! But it was nice to get a couple of photography projects in over the last few weeks. I'm really pleased with the horsey shots we captured at a training clinic

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and I finally got round to uploading some of the shots from an old property that we photographed. The property has been taken over by new owners and is in much need of repair. We wanted to capture the feel of the place. The owner wanted some before and after photos, so we will be returning in a few months to capture the progress

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Looks like a very interesting doer upper!