The Bradshaw Family

I hope Kodas paw heals quickly. At least it’s turning warmer as from today so hopefully you can get Woody out soon. The weather has been bitterly cold here hasn’t it? x
Thank you 🥰

It really has. We can cope with it being colder, but the ice on the ground makes it so dangerous for the horses
Koda’s paw is looking much better! 🥰💙

Last night I was catching up on the British Dressage Convention (this is my type of bed time reading 😁), and Koda seemed to enjoy it too! Though I think he enjoyed the ice cream more 😂


Woody and I stayed indoors today ☔️ He then had a few hours stabled with his magnets on. Bit of therapy time


He and Koda were definitely hiding from the storm this evening…


Though it’s nice to see that the evenings are getting gradually lighter…


don’t know what I’d do without my boys 💙🧡

What a crazy week with the weather! Luckily the stables are in one piece and the horses are safe.

Hope everyone has coped and all is ok?

Woody is having his hair done tomorrow.. 😂 it’s time to get him clipped now that we are increasing his workload. Unfortunately that means vet sedation.. 💰💰


Koda has his vet check tomorrow after his week on ABs. He’s not been bothered much by weather, though he does hate the wind getting down his ears!
I found this picture of him from a couple of years ago. Luckily he lost interest in those teddy bears! 😂💙


I was also looking at some pics of my boars from the last few years and found baby Odin🥹💙

Woody looks amazing after his clip today 🥰🧡


As you can see, a fair bit of hair came off!

Koda had his vet check and his paw is all better 🥰💙


Dan popped into the supermarket today and they were selling little guinea pig soft toys. So he got them for me to add to the shelf with all of our RB boys 💕

Weekend up date:

Busy as always! I had an open morning at work yesterday. Was lovely to meet potential new students. There was however a British Dressage competition on at the same time (the college is a competition venue). As lovely as it was to see the competition, it still made me sad as I miss competing so much! And I know Woody does too. We can’t wait to get back out there

Woody has enjoyed his weekend. He has his lameness re-evaluation next Friday. I’m so nervous! I really hope the treatment and rehab has worked and that we can start to up his workload again 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
However, he is struggling with his teeth again (the dentists and vets said this might happen as they only removed one of his two fractured teeth last summer). So I’ll ring the equine hospital tomorrow to get him booked in for another CT scan and dental work


He really is the most handsome boy!


We had a lovely trip to Cheshire this morning to visit my favourite tack shop (Hope Valley Saddlery). I was going for a new riding hat, but of course I couldn’t help come out with a few extra items… 😂 Woody will love his new bling I’m sure!

I definitely remembered why I should not take Dan and Koda in there with me 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 as you can see, Koda also tried a few items! 😂


This afternoon we also enjoyed a lovely long walk, exploring some local routes


And these two were watching deer in the woods 🦌💕


Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!