The Bradshaw Family

Wow you have a busy life 🤣 Glad to hear positive news re Woody. My horse had far better treatment for his arthritis than I get for mine. The things we do for our precious animals 🥰
My boss used to say, “If I’m ever ill, take me to a vet. Not a doctor”

Definitely better treatment! 😁
Translation please for those of us who don't speak horse!
The kinematic data is the use of 3D cameras to track and analyse the horse’s movement in different situations. The EMG tracks muscle activity at rest and in motion. So we can analyse movement and motion of muscles when the horse moves and steps backwards. There is a lot of research already published re movement and biomechanics, but none looking at the horse stepping backwards (rein back), as required in a number of different sports. Physios are always emphasising the importance of moving horse’s backwards. We hope that with this research we can support that

Diastemas are gaps in his teeth where food can get trapped. If only he could brush his teeth like we do!
Sundays are the best days 💙🧡☀️


Lots of adventures for Koda. And of course a pit stop!


My dad came to visit Woody. So we went for a lovely ride and a catch up


And my new boots arrived from Italy! I’m in love with them 😍


Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some sunshine! ☀️
So sorry if I’ve missed people’s posts this weekend! It’s been crazy busy as always
Especially with me covering at work so my colleagues could go represent the college at the national equine show, and then I was photographer for a clinic on Saturday



I’ve also had loads of marking to do - it’s that time of year!

But Sunday I did get time with my boys 🥰 as I did the photo editing later in the evening

You will, soon enough! You’re on a different adventure right now 🥰 hope all is going well!
Very true, And I’m lucky I still have awesome ponies to play and spend time with, sometimes I forget the bigger picture. Just hanging out with my horses makes me happy :D
Weekend Updates….
You all know how it goes.. 😂💙🧡

Being a good boy whilst mum is training 💙


These two, watching the Premier League dressage


Took my students on a tour with the Animal studies staff last week. We met lots of animals from Scottish wild cats, to giant rabbits, giant tortoise, chinchilla, snakes, parrots, geckos, and even resident cats looking for new homes. But a firm favourite with the students, was Alan the skunk! A truly lovely boy (when he’s not trying to climb into your handbags) 😂💙


Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend 🥰
Weekend Updates….
You all know how it goes.. 😂💙🧡

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Being a good boy whilst mum is training 💙

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These two, watching the Premier League dressage

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Took my students on a tour with the Animal studies staff last week. We met lots of animals from Scottish wild cats, to giant rabbits, giant tortoise, chinchilla, snakes, parrots, geckos, and even resident cats looking for new homes. But a firm favourite with the students, was Alan the skunk! A truly lovely boy (when he’s not trying to climb into your handbags) 😂💙

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Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend 🥰
I assume he has had his scent gland removed 😊
He has 😂
And apparently his behaviour significantly improved when he had a couple of other things removed too…… 😂😂
My cousin who lives in the US had a regular skunk family come down from neighbouring woods to be fed. She said they were fine apart from one day when a car backfired and scared them, the pong was dreadful!
We’ve had a crazy busy week (as always 😂)

This is what Woody thinks of 6am training sessions…


We had our 3 monthly check with his saddle fitter this week too. Now that I’ve upped his training regime.



It’s hopefully competition time soon! 🧡
And of course he loves his treat after working hard


And of course Koda is happy that we can go on more adventures now the evenings are lighter too 💙


Happy weekend every one!
We’ve had a crazy busy week (as always 😂)

This is what Woody thinks of 6am training sessions…

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We had our 3 monthly check with his saddle fitter this week too. Now that I’ve upped his training regime.

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It’s hopefully competition time soon! 🧡
And of course he loves his treat after working hard

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And of course Koda is happy that we can go on more adventures now the evenings are lighter too 💙

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Happy weekend every one!
Yes, look at that face, he’s not impressed with an early start 😁
We’ve had a crazy busy week (as always 😂)

This is what Woody thinks of 6am training sessions…

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We had our 3 monthly check with his saddle fitter this week too. Now that I’ve upped his training regime.

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It’s hopefully competition time soon! 🧡
And of course he loves his treat after working hard

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And of course Koda is happy that we can go on more adventures now the evenings are lighter too 💙

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Happy weekend every one!
Beautiful boys there :wub: