The Beastie Boys

Dear @Minnou

I knew I was correct in placing your name on the Wall of Shame and having your name engraved on the Cup of Disgrace. Getting rid of Sir George's magnificent pile of poop is a travesty! And also to take away the ability that he can store up poops again for his secret scientific experiment is absolutely appalling! I hope you are wearing Bucket of Shame over your face cos if you aren't then you should be. I'll be sending Sir George a wheekmail with instructions on how to deal with your latest misdemeanour.

You have been warned.....

Be afraid..... be very afraid......

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
@Minnou, I think Gaia arranged for you to get the blame...
Dear @Minnou

Yes you are guilty by association and Gaia did send me a wheekmail arranging for you to get the blame. @fluffysal should be wearing the bucket of shame too as she was clearly the one that instigated the poo mountain removal. Everything I said in my email to you applies to her too.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear @Minnou

Yes you are guilty by association and Gaia did send me a wheekmail arranging for you to get the blame. @fluffysal should be wearing the bucket of shame too as she was clearly the one that instigated the poo mountain removal. Everything I said in my email to you applies to her too.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Miss Bramble is so harsh. 😭
There are several boars popcorning round their pens in delight, @fluffysal what have you done?
Perhaps the poo mountain could go on the veggie patch (to grow the most favourite piggy food) It might be a bit difficult to garden with a bucket over your eyes, though. Would Miss Bramble consider letting you cut eye holes into the bucket 🪣?
Dear Miss Bramble,
I have not one but TWO serious issues with my slaves.
Firstly, yesterday was full of disruption. This was forgivable as The Unruly One and I rather enjoyed all of the floor and garden time. However, when we eventually returned to our refuge, we discovered that ALL of the bedding was clean! Obviously instead of a much needed rest we both had to run around manically making everything smell properly boarly again. The only saving grace was that at least the beds and hammocks still smelled like they should. After feasting on delicious grass and dandelions, the inevitable result happened. This is when I discovered that they are making me defecate IN MY HOME, what do they think I am, an ANIMAL?
Secondly, a package arrived today. The Mummy Slave showed us some new mats to keep our lil feetsies properly comfortable. The problem here is that they are PINK, apparently they were on sale. Master Boris says that we will just have to ensure that we have our unmentionables on show frequently so visitors know we are BOARS. It's alright for him as he does that anyway.
Yours, most disgruntled but loving your newfound curvaceous figure,
Dignified Sir George
Dear Dignified Sir George

I like going back in a nice clean hutch and I love it when my run is nice and clean but then I'm not a boar and don't understand boarly behaviour. Equally I'd love it if our Slave got us some nice pink mats but they are very girly and not at all suitable for a dignified pigsonage like yourself.

You are clearly much put out that your cage was completely cleaned out but for the hammocks and the beds so I sympathise with you if you weren't happy about this. As your Union Rep and Shop Steward, if you're not happy, I'm not happy and I'll give you the benefit of my advice to ensure that it your cage isn't cleaned out as thoroughly next time (it does need to be cleaned out but not to such an extent). You are a clean piggy and clearly don't like to live in your own poop.

Next clean out day, let your Slave know that you are unhappy about all your fleece being taken out. To do this you must wheek loudly at your Slave and scent mark the bit of fleece you want kept in. Your stupid Slave will hopefully take the hint that this portion of fleece is to stay in there. Make sure that your Slave rubs your (correctly smelling) fleece on your clean fleece (so that this one smells right) by giving her a look that tells her EXACTLY what you'll think of her if she doesn't! If you get the side eye just right (it may take some practice) she will be so scared of you that she will do what you want when you want. As for making you poop in your own home that's OK. It gives your Slave something to do as she has to poop pick.

Now to tackle the problem of the pink mats: You could always send them here if you don't want them. My address is:-

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
The Penthouse Suite
Betsy Towers
The Garage

When your Slave can't find them anymore (cos you've sent them here!) she will get you proper boar coloured mats.

I hope this helps you with your dilemmas

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
After clearing up some gorgeous purple poops (beetroot), I decided to do another little nail trim.
Sir George was very obliging, he even laid down and splooted his back legs out while I did his back feet 😇
Master Boris however.....🙄
He wriggled.....he kicked......he kept running up me......he scratched me......he nipped (gently) and he SCREAMED......
After enlisting help from hubby, I only got three of his feet done.
Sir George sat on the table and calmly watched all the drama.
Naughty slave putting poor Master Boris through all that! Offering him the rest of your arm to chew on would have helped him to stay calm. Luscious treats, soothing music and aromatherapy are the minimum! 😉 Seriously, I hope he didn't scratch too hard. I use tiny scissors from P@H and they seem more stealthy than clippers. The tiny blades are very sharp though, so be careful they don't slip.
Cutey Pie Dennis 🌈 liked having his nails cut while lying on his back. I know it's not good to lie piggies on their backs for too long but this was how Dennis insisted on having his nails cut. It took me all of about 2 minutes to do all four feet so he wasn't like it for very long. Here is Cutey Pie Dennis just because

Dennis Tummy (2).webpDennis Hutch 2.webp
Dignified Sir George has now become an immovable object when we clean the cage. He immediately settles on the posing platform, which is also his favourite potty area now and when we try to shoo him off he just looks at us. So now whoever isn't doing the cleaning has to give him extra lap time.
Since he has started doing this he has been asking for cuddles and giving lots of kisses instead of just splooting and having a nap while enjoying some strokes.
I find myself asking whether this is a cunning plan to get extra attention? It's not about the pea flakes because he eats a couple then looks rather offended if you offer him more.