The Beastie Boys

I got them from SnugglePetStore on etsy. They seem to be good quality, although time will tell. Changing the pads/ beds really depends on the pig. Master Boris generally needs a clean pad after two or three days and his bed washed after ten days at most. We all know what he's like!
Fastidious Sir George still keeps a very clean bed. He needs a pad change only weekly, it's probably not even needed then.
I'm still in the habit of only putting clean beds/ hammocks/cuddle cups in on a different day to clean fleece even though they are neighboars now.
Would your girls find them more attractive as pirates? ☠️
I asked and they said they would... but if given a choice, Minerva would like to see them in shoes and Gaia likes 'bad boys' so if you could make them look a little rough around the edges.... Something like that... if at all manageable?
Was that no coriander when it should have been delivered? Misty Morning has a good old nip at my Piggy Apron (pleased it not my clothes as there would be a massive hole in everything) in the mornings when she has had enough of cuddles and she thinks it's coriander time!
Gaia doesn't care much for coriander... neither of them do, actually.

No, Gaia had marched inside her 'magic elevator' (the red plastic tunnel) and was waiting for me to lift it and put her back in her bed but instead I decided to sit on the floor nearby and watch how she would react if I didn't do her bidding (I was kinda hoping she'd trot out and come to me and let me pick her up and give her a cuddle - HA!)

So, she started glaring at me and chattering her teeth instead. Then I moved towards her and she stopped - perhaps thinking I was going to transport her - but I crouched and gave her a little kiss on the nose instead then sat back. Teeth chattering was reactivated, so I moved forward again and she stopped... AND I gave her another little smooch then sat back. She teeth-chattered at me again.

I admitted defeat in the end and did what she wanted. Got 1 solitary popcorn as a reward. Then they both kicked off because 'where the hell are our pellets?!' :roll:
Dear Gaia and Minerva

I'm now back from Sick Leave and can help you!

I understand that your Slave isn't attending to your every need. How very dare she behave in this manner? Gaia you did well in telling your Slave what you wanted and eventually your dim witted Slave did finally get the message and put you back in bed. Then I was horrified to learn that pellets weren't delivered immediately. This just will not do, I think your Slave has been taking advantage of the fact that I was signed off for a week.

Clearly, you need extra assistance in Slave training and that is what I'm here for as your Shop Steward and Union Rep.

I've had a look in my extensive Library of booklets and pamphlets on Slave Training. Page 4, Paragraph 3, Section 2a of Booklet "What to do should your Slave fail to put you back in your cage/hutch/bed when you feel it's time" states:-

"Make it clear that you want to go back home. To do this you must
  1. Go into your hidey for transportation back home
  2. Attack your Slave's clothes with your teeth, getting more and more aggressive if this fails to achieve the desired result
  3. Teeth chatter at your Slave
  4. Let your Slave pick you up, he/she will be so pleased that they have achieved this so easily that they will put you straight back. (Slaves are stupid, they think that they've managed to pick you up, when in fact you've let them)"
To get your pellets immediately you are both back in your cage you must:-
  1. Put your front feet on the bars and look longingly at your Slave
  2. Put your feet on your food bowl and look hungrily at your Slave
I hope that the above will help with your ongoing Slave Training issues.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia and Minerva

I'm now back from Sick Leave and can help you!

I understand that your Slave isn't attending to your every need. How very dare she behave in this manner? Gaia you did well in telling your Slave what you wanted and eventually your dim witted Slave did finally get the message and put you back in bed. Then I was horrified to learn that pellets weren't delivered immediately. This just will not do, I think your Slave has been taking advantage of the fact that I was signed off for a week.

Clearly, you need extra assistance in Slave training and that is what I'm here for as your Shop Steward and Union Rep.

I've had a look in my extensive Library of booklets and pamphlets on Slave Training. Page 4, Paragraph 3, Section 2a of Booklet "What to do should your Slave fail to put you back in your cage/hutch/bed when you feel it's time" states:-

"Make it clear that you want to go back home. To do this you must
  1. Go into your hidey for transportation back home
  2. Attack your Slave's clothes with your teeth, getting more and more aggressive if this fails to achieve the desired result
  3. Teeth chatter at your Slave
  4. Let your Slave pick you up, he/she will be so pleased that they have achieved this so easily that they will put you straight back. (Slaves are stupid, they think that they've managed to pick you up, when in fact you've let them)"
To get your pellets immediately you are both back in your cage you must:-
  1. Put your front feet on the bars and look longingly at your Slave
  2. Put your feet on your food bowl and look hungrily at your Slave
I hope that the above will help with your ongoing Slave Training issues.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Miss Bramble,

I am pleased to say that, without ever having read the Slave Training manual, I did most of the above steps (I'm so clever!) but failed to perform step 2 as I had made my Slave a promise not to bite her for a few hours after she somehow managed to acquire some pin-up posters of some very handsome boars for us. A guinea-pig keeps their word! As you know, we are far more honourable than the Slaves. But the Slave was either trying to manipulate me into being chummy with her, or, trying to vex me, so I should have hurtled out of the magic elevator and bit her relentlessly (I have warned her that is what is going to happen next time...)

As for the pellets... I never beg for those; I demand them. And I prefer complaining over making cutesy faces at the Slave. She doesn't deserve them! And we've no bowls to stand on and beg from anyway as the Slave took them from us and has started scattering pellets about to 'encourage us to forage,' which disgusts me to be honest; I like the bowl... it makes me feel taller when I stand on it.

Your friend,

Dear Miss Bramble,

I am pleased to say that, without ever having read the Slave Training manual, I did most of the above steps (I'm so clever!) but failed to perform step 2 as I had made my Slave a promise not to bite her for a few hours after she somehow managed to acquire some pin-up posters of some very handsome boars for us. A guinea-pig keeps their word! As you know, we are far more honourable than the Slaves. But the Slave was either trying to manipulate me into being chummy with her, or, trying to vex me, so I should have hurtled out of the magic elevator and bit her relentlessly (I have warned her that is what is going to happen next time...)

As for the pellets... I never beg for those; I demand them. And I prefer complaining over making cutesy faces at the Slave. She doesn't deserve them! And we've no bowls to stand on and beg from anyway as the Slave took them from us and has started scattering pellets about to 'encourage us to forage,' which disgusts me to be honest; I like the bowl... it makes me feel taller when I stand on it.

Your friend,


Dear Gaia

We are made to play "hunt the pellet" too. Apparently it's good for us and gives us "mental stimulation" whatever that means. I'd much rather have them in a bowl too but that is bad for us because "it's boring". It's not boring, how can eating be boring? Doesn't every guinea pig in the world love eating? I don't find eating boring, if I did I wouldn't eat all day would I?

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia

We are made to play "hunt the pellet" too. Apparently it's good for us and gives us "mental stimulation" whatever that means. I'd much rather have them in a bowl too but that is bad for us because "it's boring". It's not boring, how can eating be boring? Doesn't every guinea pig in the world love eating? I don't find eating boring, if I did I wouldn't eat all day would I?

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Miss Bramble,

Ah, I knew you would understand! I too will eat all day and if I run out of food, or am feeling adventurous, I start eating the Slave's belongings and my environment too! I do have to hold myself back a bit when chewing on the magic elevator as I don't know if the Slave will immediately get me another and I don't want her touching me. But eating is NEVER EVER NEVER boring!

Your delighted fellow nibbler,

Before we used a correx cage Base, Sir George was terrible for hanging his nether regions out through the bars to potty. Now they have their posing platforms he has realised that this is possible again (the correx was to high to get his bum over)
Todays task involves cutting the sheet of correx we just bought and lining 10 of the spare grids with it. Tomorrow is going to involve taking the cage apart, cleaning all the poops out that have dropped and replacing the back grids with the lined ones.
Thank you Sir George, I know you like a clean cage but really!
Before we used a correx cage Base, Sir George was terrible for hanging his nether regions out through the bars to potty. Now they have their posing platforms he has realised that this is possible again (the correx was to high to get his bum over)
Todays task involves cutting the sheet of correx we just bought and lining 10 of the spare grids with it. Tomorrow is going to involve taking the cage apart, cleaning all the poops out that have dropped and replacing the back grids with the lined ones.
Thank you Sir George, I know you like a clean cage but really!

Sir George (probably): 'A poo for Boris!' A poo for the cupboard! A poo for the floor! A poo for mum! I am a good boy! 😃
Dear @Minnou

I knew I was correct in placing your name on the Wall of Shame and having your name engraved on the Cup of Disgrace. Getting rid of Sir George's magnificent pile of poop is a travesty! And also to take away the ability that he can store up poops again for his secret scientific experiment is absolutely appalling! I hope you are wearing Bucket of Shame over your face cos if you aren't then you should be. I'll be sending Sir George a wheekmail with instructions on how to deal with your latest misdemeanour.

You have been warned.....

Be afraid..... be very afraid......

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear @Minnou

I knew I was correct in placing your name on the Wall of Shame and having your name engraved on the Cup of Disgrace. Getting rid of Sir George's magnificent pile of poop is a travesty! And also to take away the ability that he can store up poops again for his secret scientific experiment is absolutely appalling! I hope you are wearing Bucket of Shame over your face cos if you aren't then you should be. I'll be sending Sir George a wheekmail with instructions on how to deal with your latest misdemeanour.

You have been warned.....

Be afraid..... be very afraid......

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Why am I in trouble for something fluffysal did? D:
