The Beastie Boys

He (they) might end up getting a visit from the plum fairy!
Hubby has gone from not even considering it to getting a quote from the exotic specialists they are registered with. Much cheaper than we thought too.
Are you thinking of getting each a sow?
I hate seeing them separated and it's a pain with the cage set up. The separations were both early enough (before a proper fight) that they might be able to get back together but I am not optimistic as I'm convinced that Master Boris will not be submissive again. He is the one who is constantly peeing/sleeping/rumbling/patrolling by the bars whereas Sir George just looks a bit bemused at him. A wife each would work as the cage is big enough (2 x 5x2) for a floor each.
And obviously it's a good excuse for more piggies.
Hubby has been asking lots of questions about mixed gender pairings and how we would go about doing the two bonding sessions that would be involved. He's even speculating about what personality would be the best match for each boy!
I'm trying not to get too optimistic about the possibility........