TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

they are not bad, but the are... infinite! when they walk on a pavement or across a road or simply come into the bus I start having homicidal instincts!:gd: and then... they make infinite photos! not only at the monuments, but even at the bins! and once even at a funeral!:))

When I was in Spain we were on a trip and some Russian weirdos taking a picture of a weed growing in a crack in the war... For 10 minutes :))
When I was in Spain we were on a trip and some Russian weirdos taking a picture of a weed growing in a crack in the war... For 10 minutes :))
there is a well known "gelateria" (ice cream parlour) here in the centre, which offers more than 150 flavours and you have a great difficulty in choosing only 3 of them. One day I was there and there was almost nobody at the counter, therefore I told the seller to serve other customers because I needed more time. And a GROUP of japaneses appeared behind me... of course they made a huge mess because they started taking pics and did not even understrand the labels of the flavours! they were not explaining anything correctly, that man was in difficulty! and then, with their cone in hand they did not go away! they stayed there licking the icecream and taking pics together or selfies! I was literally surrounded by them and their damned cones which of course only for a miracle did not fall on my clothes!
this is that gelateria
there is a well known "gelateria" (ice cream parlour) here in the centre, which offers more than 150 flavours and you have a great difficulty in choosing only 3 of them. One day I was there and there was almost nobody at the counter, therefore I told the seller to serve other customers because I needed more time. And a GROUP of japaneses appeared behind me... of course they made a huge mess because they started taking pics and did not even understrand the labels of the flavours! they were not explaining anything correctly, that man was in difficulty! and then, with their cone in hand they did not go away! they stayed there licking the icecream and taking pics together or selfies! I was literally surrounded by them and their damned cones which of course only for a miracle did not fall on my clothes!
this is that gelateria

That looks amazing :love::love:

Now I know where I need to take my next holiday! :drool:
There's nothing aaaargh about it :luv:
Believe it or not , I had hair like yours once ;)
luckily I did not post the very latest pic of me, taken at the beach!!! you would have zoomed even my cellulitis!
naughty boy!!:flame:
:)):)):)) (actually I don't care of my defects and scars...:sly:)
You haven't felt hot till you experience a Texas summer in the US...101 with a feel like close to 110 with 60 to 80 % humidity ..
terrible! But I can't stand so many months in the hot and also in the night! I have AC at home and I don't want to think of the next electricity bill! And I haven't a mediterranean skin, this sun and this hot drive me crazy...
Ooh is that a posh tea tin? :luv:
yes, with tea inside (we love tea... and scones sometimes!). We don't drink coffee... hahahaha!:crazy: there isn't even a coffee maker at home. When you will come and see me here, remind to take yours with you (and also the coffee!):D:D:D
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I don't like tea! Ever since I had my 3 boys tea just makes me want to :vom:. I was working with an American once and she drank iced tea all the time:vom::vom:. When I told her I didn't drink tea she replied "why not you're English! All English drink tea don't they?" I replied that my brother-in-law doesn't drink it either and she said "You should have married him then" as he was only 16 when I got married he was a little bit young for me. I am not a cradle snatcher. I have now been married 30 years:yikes: You get less for murder!
terrible! But I can't stand so many months in the hot and also in the night! I have AC at home and I don't want to think of the next electricity bill! And I haven't a mediterranean skin, this sun and this hot drive me crazy...

Here it's hot almost year round we get maybe 2 weeks,of actual cold I mean for us February is middle of winter and I'm wearing shorts and t shirt was 102 on the gauge in my car
:lol!: Too good!

I've been known to bother horses too!

I miss having mine too! Horses are the best! (Apart from guinea pigs of course!)