TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Wow @rome_italy you are so pretty and no way are you 49! You look much younger. That's some gorgeous countryside you are stood in. Did you remember to pick some grass and dandelions for the guinea pigs? :P
thank you! I came back to that place with a lot of bags and scissors for picking some grass and I found the lawns totally burnt by the sun...:evil:
No way you are 49, I'm with everyone else on this :D That does look like a lovely field, very calming and beautiful :)

Also did that statue have a nice bum? :))
after taking the pic with my hand on the butt a long queue was formed with a huge group of excited japanese women asking for the same pic!:))
Yes exactly! Looks like it's been great for everyone! People saying that they're in their 40's or 50's and looking 20! Fountain of youth in piggy ownership :D
You look pretty fab too ma dear! :luv: x
You lot are making me want to join in but 1) I hate taking pictures or myself 2) open forum and internets...I just can't feel comfortable about sharing my mug with so many.
You lot are making me want to join in but 1) I hate taking pictures or myself 2) open forum and internets...I just can't feel comfortable about sharing with the world.
You lot are making me want to join in but 1) I hate taking pictures or myself 2) open forum and internets...I just can't feel comfortable about sharing my mug with so many.

I know what you mean! I don't generally but I figured as I can't go to meet ups etc it might be nice to put names to faces.

Plus everyone is so friendly on here that I actually feel comfortable doing it. Even if it's after almost 2 years of joining :))