TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery


A recent one of me! Way too posey for my liking but my friend wanted to see what I was doing with my hair for the party we were going to and this is what happened so yeah :-0
Thanks :-) the ear on show is my tame ear haha theres loads more on the other ear! The lip piercing didnt hurt so much really it just swelled up crazy! I had to wait until i left my parents house to get it done. I'm 21 now and only got it done last year on teh basis of I'm not getting younger and its one of things Ive wanted for 10 years so why not just do :-)

I always get told I look younger than 22, I got asked at work yesterday was I was on work experience from school! Er no, I've worked there for 6 years...
Ooh, it's fun to see what everyone looks like. It's easy to forget there are people behind these screens.



Here's two recent ones I've dug out, I don't really take photos often. Sorry for the bad lighting.
Kenzo, I love the colour of your hair! And you and your piggie are gorgeous :)

MOC - look at you! You have the most gorgeous lips and eyes! I'm very jealous! xox
Thank you:red I've always had massive frog eyes, when I was first born they were all you could see :p
I kiss bears in airports as that's the way I roll:


Looking all Frenched-out after a day trip to France


I do have other tops in my wardbrobe, but I love my Dunnes hoody (from Ireland)
Here's a couple of photo's from our album, can't find the orginals, so took a couple of pics from our mobile, quality isn't great but gives a rough idea what we look like..

Just chillin...

lisa's 40th Birthday

Lisa & Ali..xx
Hi, My names Jen and I'm a 22yr old English Literature student =D I am a piggie slave to my four long haired guinea pigs, who constantly resist my attempts to make their hair look presentable!
Oh I'm away in Amsterdam I went for October half term for a long weekend it was fab! =] it was quite cold though hence the furry jacket (NOT real fur btw just in case)
Feel like I'm a bit late to jump on the band wagon but here goes..

This is me and the oh at a wedding couple if weeks back xx

It's very interesting to put faces to the posts I read
This is me (Annie) a few months ago with pink hair. Unfortunately it is back to brown.
This is me. It was taken about 2 months ago. Sorry, I don't have a colour version-as far as I know...

I am a slave to 3 guinea pigs, 2 rats and 2 rabbits!