TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Another posy pic taken 20 years, still look the same only fatter, balder and older! :)) :)) :))

Sorry alanah being on this forum from my phone is not a good idea...I meant to hit the next page , but I accidentally hit a 'thanks' to your post! Darn iPhones and their tiny screens!
Dont know what I'm doing wrong. I followed the link and instructions that was kindly posted on my intro but I'm still doing something wrong. I will try again :red
Make sure you copy and paste the IMG code on to here. You can then press preview to see if it worked.
Here we go...

This is me in February this year at our annual University competition which we host. I was Chair of the trampolining club last year so finally had a chance to sit down and see my hard work! ;)
The theme was services, and our club (UCLan) dressed up as cops and robbers!


And me in action at our second UCLan Rose cup!

All this time I thought you were a middle aged man!:o You are very pretty and young. :)