TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Am cheating a little bit - this is from the nephew's baptism a couple of years ago, hair is a bit shorter (although growing) and I have a fringe now - I also look a lot more tired

What is on your top? I cannot see properly.
Its a green top with two mice with their tails making a heart :-) you may be able to spot it now ive said it lol the boobs kind of distort them and the lighting is realllllly poor on that photo sorry :-P
I cheated...this is the only picture I like. I was only last year so I can be let off!


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Seeing as though i've never posted a photo like this before!

This was me on a night out back in October

Me and the OH in Worthing before Christmas

Me a few days ago being ecstatic over the sunshine!

As you may be able to tell - I find it impossible to just smile in a photo, I have to pull a silly face :D