TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Ok, seeing as I' a new member, here I am, with my very elderly mouse Peggy who passed over Rainbow Bridge late last year...


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Me and the OH in Worthing before Christmas

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Me a few days ago being ecstatic over the sunshine!

As you may be able to tell - I find it impossible to just smile in a photo, I have to pull a silly face :D

My husband always pulls a funny face when I try to take a photo with him in in - I always shout "look handsome" but he never does
Dare I ask what you were doing in Worthing @LydiaMinx ? I grew up in Worthing.
My Mum still lives there but I am a safe distance away now.:lol!:
We had a christmas dinner/weekend down there with the OH's dad and family :) I thought it was actually really nice, compared to my area anyway ;)

only joking about Worthing - you know how it is when you've lived in a place for a while
Not when your 31 and look 12!

Looking young is good, I work in a retail shop and the other day i ID'd a woman who was 36, she handed her driving liscense over saying "I'm much older than you love"... she wasn't a happy bunny but she did look really young!

Its the opposite for me, I could get in over 25s night at the nightclub when I was 16! :(