TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

This is my hair in its natural state! I love it straight but it takes a lot of work, so it usually looks like this!

Isn't curly hair gorgeous? I wish i had it.

I'm quite new here, i'm Jess/19/Brisbane, Australia and this is me >.<

With one of my girls, Matilda (Tilly):



And with my boyfriend Emilio (Penguin) :P

Everyone is gorgeous :D
Oh Thankyou! :)p

The first picture was a few days ago and I had curled it, the second one was somehow natural(trust me, thats a very good day, usually i have to straighten it or curl because it's strangly inbetween and won't sit haha) but was quite a while ago.

I'm actually a natural bright redhead! I may go back natural one day but for now I love the dark on me, and luckily i have dark eyebrows naturally :P
Oh Thankyou! :)p

The first picture was a few days ago and I had curled it, the second one was somehow natural(trust me, thats a very good day, usually i have to straighten it or curl because it's strangly inbetween and won't sit haha) but was quite a while ago.

I'm actually a natural bright redhead! I may go back natural one day but for now I love the dark on me, and luckily i have dark eyebrows naturally :P

Yay another ginge! Despite the fact that I'm 21 I'm still too scared to dye my hair, my mum would kill me!

Oh wow you are beautiful! You should never dye that lovely hair of yours. I can see where Pearl gets her good looks from. ;)

Heres a recent one of me, looking at this reminds me why I need to go back on a diet... never mind
I'm 5ft7.5 size 14 btw but I think I look enormous on this photo
You look lovely. I would love to be a size 14. You have a great figure and should never think otherwise.
Yay another ginge! Despite the fact that I'm 21 I'm still too scared to dye my hair, my mum would kill me!


oh, my gosh. not gonna lie, you are so so beautiful! when i saw that photo i was like 'wooooow' haha. your hair suits you :) If i looked anywhere near that nice with red hair i would have kept it but at the time i started dying it (probably over 3 years ago now) I had really bad skin/acne and the dark hair made my face look alot less red, so i kept it.
Yay another ginge! Despite the fact that I'm 21 I'm still too scared to dye my hair, my mum would kill me!


you really dont need to dye your hair, its a lovely colour! my friend dyes her hair that colour! i have gone that colour before aswell, well my hair has been every colour from pink to purple!
it suits you, your very pretty :)
Isn't curly hair gorgeous? I wish i had it.

I'm quite new here, i'm Jess/19/Brisbane, Australia and this is me >.<

With one of my girls, Matilda (Tilly):



And with my boyfriend Emilio (Penguin) :P

Everyone is gorgeous :D

LOVE your hair, ive always struggled to get my fringe to hang right :( my hair grows upward at the front
LOVE your hair, ive always struggled to get my fringe to hang right :( my hair grows upward at the front

thank you so much! :$ I have been just letting my hair grow out for about six months now as I want the shorter layers gone, past my 'scene kid stage' LOL and i guess i just got lucky with how it sits, honestly though it does look worse in real life than in photos haha.

The middle photo is a year old so it was much shorter then and sat differently.
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this is me god i wish i didnt cut my hair i want this length back :)
i am 18 and my oh is 21 and we have 3beautiful pigs and i so want more lol

this is me and my oh out on a couples date/road trip
I hate getting my picture taken so here's a quick webcam shot, with poor Scuzzy looking terrified. Aww, he really hates getting picked up!

OK so this is me... Sadly I don't have many pictures of myself where you can see my face, you'll see why soon enough :(|)


And the reason why is that I'm more usually in pictures doing stuff like this:

Hehe I try, I only get chance to do this once a week, but it certainly does keep me in pretty good health :) x