TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery


Such a great photo! :))
Took this one today. Spent about 10 minutes trying to get a decent one. Thought I should update from the last photo which was taken a while ago now.

I love this thread!
Its brilliant being able to put faces to names!
Hi Everyone:)p
I figured I should probably show my face, seeing as halloween is coming. Feel free to print it out and use it as a mask for your trick or treating :))

I'm fatter now, but kinda look the same!


Me and one of my gorgeous nephews at my Sisters wedding. I had actually been in quite a serious car crash the day before that, there is a big gash just under my neck but luckily its not too noticable :))


Me with all my hair cut off 8...
More recent photo's



Sorry about the pale look, i had 3 and a half hours sleep the night before and felt like poo!
Wow you are so young and pretty! I always pictured you older and you make out you need to lose weight when you dont!rolleyes
Wow you are so young and pretty! I always pictured you older and you make out you need to lose weight when you dont!rolleyes

I am short and stumpy with a biggish belly, so i need to lose a little more weight and tone up, due to my height i am on the overweight/obese border! I have been really relaxed lately though.

Thank you so much for the comments honey, made me smile, your the second person to think i was older lately.... x