TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

me and a friend from work


I'm the one with the facial hair
Oh go on then...
One of me and my OH

Thats the best I have of me so far...need to get some better ones ;)
Hi, nice to see everybody. Lindsay, you have to wear the very same outfit for people to recognise you! :))
Here's a more recent one of me, taken in August - With my mum and this random priest who really seemed to be a right poser! :))


My mum is on the left and I'm on the right. rolleyes
This is me and hubby summer this year in the isle of wight:))

What lovely photographs everyone! :) You all look fabulous, I finally found a picture that I'm happy with and I'm not covered in hay/sawdust or paint and I'm wearing my favourite dress! yay! :)

Me and my OH Dave all spruced up for our friends wedding this year:

Laura x
What lovely photographs everyone! :) You all look fabulous, I finally found a picture that I'm happy with and I'm not covered in hay/sawdust or paint and I'm wearing my favourite dress! yay! :)

Me and my OH Dave all spruced up for our friends wedding this year:

Laura x

I really recognise you! :x
Don't mean to sound creepy!
Hahahaha! :)) Maybe i have one of those faces....people always seem to talk to me every time i go into PAH...I'm sure they think i work there!
I forgot to say that that is also a very pretty dress!
I'm now gonna post a couple pics, eek!
First one's from a photoshoot (hehe sneeky - I don't always look like this!)

Then this is the usual me with Kev ! (My OH)

No pictures of me with my natural hair, oh well! I have natural ringlet curl hair.
This is me. The picture was taken two days ago. I was trying not to laugh but dad caught me off guard. Its a tad blurry sorry.
Awwww lovely photos the first one is fab :) I've always wanted to go to a photoshoot with my OH, first of all i'll look decent for once, and my OH won't be pulling a face as he usually does! :P
I forgot to say that that is also a very pretty dress!
I'm now gonna post a couple pics, eek!
First one's from a photoshoot (hehe sneeky - I don't always look like this!)

Then this is the usual me with Kev ! (My OH)

No pictures of me with my natural hair, oh well! I have natural ringlet curl hair.
I was just going to say your hair is gorgeous :p
Awwww lovely photos the first one is fab :) I've always wanted to go to a photoshoot with my OH, first of all i'll look decent for once, and my OH won't be pulling a face as he usually does! :P

It is great fun! Especially when you have a strange photographer.. We did it for our two year anniversary, was an interesting experience especially as we both aren't keen on cameras!