TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

This is me :)

Was taken at New Years so one of the most recent ones I have, and one I actually like of myself!


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thought i'd put an updated pic on, as the last one is a few years old now :)

WOW, it's excellent seeing everyone's pics, I just kept visualising guineas whenever I read your posts and now I can put human faces with names! Here's one of me with me niece Daisy on holiday in France last year. Daisy's a very cheeky little blond.:)
Heres meeeeeeeeeeeeee :)) In London zoo on my birthday with my new fella ha ha ha xx
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This is an updated photo of me taken a couple of weeks ago with Poppy :)


(I think I may have actually posted this in a thread about her... if I have sorry! :) )
Ohh great thread, I love a nosey haha!

This is me a few months back with a new "do", excuse the pose, was trying to impress my OH with the new cut, I'd had 9in off haha!


These are my gorgeous girlies, for good measure :D

LOL i put a thread on here asking if i was the only male on here it has been proved that I'm not PHEW.But bloody hell being part of the male minority does have its advantages lol all these hot ladies.never been gelous of a guinea untill now having you ladies as there owners. Anyway going to wash my nose it seems to have turned a brown colour xx
Well, I better show myself then.

This is a pic from my wedding day the 08.08.08. I haven't got any new good pics, sorry.")

this is me!

Hi guys

here's a pic of me lol

hope ive loaded it properly!


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This is me and my eldest boy who is 16.

and my other two, the culprits for me becoming a piggie slave!

Well here's a picture of me... making a silly face lol


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