TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Hi welcome - I'm sure the time will come when your boys are ready for a photo shoot with you!
me and nacho on the hammock :)
What lovely photos. Your wee ones are lovely. They look so well behaved!
Hello, nice to see you! You look very young in the photo with the children.
AWW Don't be daft. I love your hair! How often do you have to have it done?

Also how do they make it bright red? (i've always wanted to know)
AWW Don't be daft. I love your hair! How often do you have to have it done?

Also how do they make it bright red? (i've always wanted to know)

Well I bleached mine first so that the colour would really take, then left it for a couple of weeks putting on tonnes of aussie special deep conditioner then put a LIVE Red Luminance on it :)
WOW - YOU did it. Bravo Kira - well done you.

I love it. :)

Well...I ended up calling my friend half way through and begging her to come over because despite using the two mirror trick I was terrified I was messing the back up! :(|):(|)
Thought it was about time I posted a piccie of myself:

One I actually quite like as it's fairly flattering (as in dark-so you can't see me very well:)) )

And another one that is a more true representation (but not as flattering!)

Tracey x

PS, Kira- I agree with Lisa- love the hair! x
And this is lil 'ol me :)

Taken last April in Whitby

With the other half earlier this month in Las Vegas


With Simon, again, at the Grand Canyon (which is an awe inspiring place btw!)

