TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery





I can't remember whether I have posted in this thread before - I think I kight have, but can't really be bothered searching through this whole thread.

Just wanted to post some photos of me, from my sisters wedding - very emotional day! I need an excuse to wear this dress again!
I havent posted on here in a while so here's one of me and one of me and my OH (randomstranger) at my cousins wedding, please excuse the pose lol 'vogue' was on!



yayyyyyyyy finally some new pics of the gorgeous them and cutie pie x)x)
I love that piccie of you both................
and you look seriously sexy darling :(|)x)x)x)

I'm finally gonna put my pic up! Here goes!


Only joking :p:))


Okay, laugh away hahaa!

Oh and I do have eyes btw. I'm just looking down lol!
Amy and Tomz: You look like Drew Barrymore when she was younger! At least on this photo.

This is my dodgy student ID photo! Hairs about 7 inches longer now and a lot blonder.
this is just a suggestion, if Squeekypigs could collate all the images and put them into her first post, this will save many people have to go through all the pages looking for the pictures. If you want I can do this for you and PM you all the links, I have lots of spare time, but I won't be available between the 20th of December to the 1st of Feb. Anytime before and after that I can do it.
This is a good idea! I browsed through this thread and it took me AGES to find the photos....
this is just a suggestion, if Squeekypigs could collate all the images and put them into her first post, this will save many people have to go through all the pages looking for the pictures. If you want I can do this for you and PM you all the links, I have lots of spare time, but I won't be available between the 20th of December to the 1st of Feb. Anytime before and after that I can do it.

This is a good idea! I browsed through this thread and it took me AGES to find the photos....

I've started on it. I completed pages one to ten.


Page One

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<b>Senior Member</b>

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Page One

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<b>Adult Guinea Pig</b>

Page One

Page One

<b>Teenage Guinea Pig</b>

Page One

<b>Junior Guinea Pig</b>

Page One Page Two

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Page One

<b>New Born Pop</b>

Page One

Page One

Page One

<b>Other/Several People in one Post</b>

Page One

If I have missed anyone that are on pages one to ten please tell me and i'll add them to the list.
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Again, a good idea with your website... if everybody on the photos agrees and gives you permission to do so!
i'll be leaving for Sydney in one week exactly, staying for two weeks. I don't know if ill be on during this time.
The link for CCC isn't correct, but in any case remove that and replace with me! I'm pretty sure I was CCC, it was my old account from some years ago but I lost my email, username and password for it, so had to start afresh when I joined last month.

i'll continue with that summarise of the pics thing if an admin or mod messeges me. I just don't really feel like doing it anymore, and as you have probably noticed, i'm not really that active. So sorry. I'll try to be more active.
Genuinely Love being a slave to my ten guinea pigs

They are My life. But have no social life no more lol

My year eleven Formal. 2005.


  • DSCF1588.webp
    25 KB · Views: 26
This is me :
Me with a lamb on col trip

me with a pig on col trip

me with dotty 1 of many guineas @ college

me with 2 mates

the date and time is wrong on this pik ^^ was only taken june time lol
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