TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Nice to see you! *waves*

And angel, the piccies arent there because you have deleted or renamed them in photobucket, so the links have broken O0
Hi, never noticed this before :) Here's me :( scary!
Me and my boyfriend, jay at a fancy dress lol


And that's a more recent one of me, with a fringe looking a bit grumpy hehe!


Don't laugh :(
Love Emma x
PerfectPiggies said:
And angel, the piccies arent there because you have deleted or renamed them in photobucket, so the links have broken O0

Oh I see.... I've been using my own photobucket account since I posted these. Those photos were put up using the forum's photobucket account so something must've happened in there... oh well :-\

Yes, I was talking to you Jaclyn23 ;) and a big helloooo to lovely jnenbnb (Emma!) - that's an awesome costume! O0
wow - you look so different without your glasses! Thought you were a completely different person! Both looks suit you - but its great when you can chop and change your look like that whenever the mood takes you! ;)

From a fellow glasses wearer x 8) Specs rock! :D
Wow Angel, you look soooo different to what I expected, not in a bad way tho lol, I suppose we all look diffferent to how we imagine each other ::)
Me and my favourite footballer for Coventry City Michael Doyle

Amy.x. :smitten:
I was in the Hospitality box on a match day and he came up 2 get an award presented so i stood flirting outrageously (as u do) and got chatting. Plus he is IRISH such a sexy accent. he remembers me now LOL!
Angel you look great as does everyone else! :D Emma I love the fancy dress! :D footballer! I run away from them, especially Liverpool ones I get soo nervous! :D
lol i am just a groupie, tee hee, has paid off in the past though :)
ooo just discovered this thread.
And Angel you look almost exactly how I iagined you, just with a bit shorter hair!

Here's me with my new haircut done just last hair used to be down to just below my collarbone.


Oh hello Fay - you're so pretty! I love your new haircut! :smitten:

Piggybaker you look so young - and your daughter is just toooooo cute!
CobwebandPigpig said:
Oh hello Fay - you're so pretty! I love your new haircut! :smitten:

Piggybaker you look so young - and your daughter is just toooooo cute!

Thanks you made my day, i am actually 31 so i am not a youngster, just a recycled teenager ;D
Love the hair Fay it looks grrrrrrrr8 O0

Piggybaker, u look gr8 and love your daughters name, good choice O0

Wow lovely pics! Waves hello**
Piggybaker, you look soooo young and your daughter is adorable :)
Well here goes...

This was taken a few years back (I was 10) at the beach. Sorry, I looked everywhere but haven't found any recent ones. I'll post again when I do.

This is more recent, it was taken last year in Greece. Sorry for the bad quality of the photo, it was taken with a cheap disposable camera.
Glynis said:
Yayyy hello Irene :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
What gorgeous blue eyes you have 0:)
Now i know who you are, thanks love :)
Aww thanks :smitten: