TGPF Cavy Slave Gallery

Heehee... yes... you dont realise how may posts you use up on there do you?! ;D

They little dog with me is my Ben RIP 0:) (Sorry Ellie if I'm in twubble!... :-\ ;) )

Tried to find you PP but I think some of your posts have been deleted.... couldnt find you... 98)
Found you.... :D *waka waka freestyler...* ;D ;D ;D Nice to put a face to the PP name!
And your little pupsies again! :smitten:

(Yeah... page 27 I think you were mean to be on here! ? )
Time for some recent photos of my dorky self. C:



(I don't have hair like Angel - I do have to use a wig ;D )



I dyed my hair black in secondary school. xx0 Really not a good idea if you're blonde.

The pink, violet and blue has faded from my hair now, so I need to dye it again today. :B
Darky said:
I dyed my hair black in secondary school. xx0 Really not a good idea if you're blonde.

Not really a good idea unless you want to wait months on end for it to grow out.. :(

I'm stuck with it now.
hey darky i think something wrong happened when you where setting your gender. it says male and in the pic your a girl just thought id let you know
Darky said:
I dyed my hair black in secondary school. xx0 Really not a good idea if you're blonde.

The pink, violet and blue has faded from my hair now, so I need to dye it again today. :B

I'm naturally blonde and i've got black hair, but then again i've been dying my hair black for about.... 2 - 3 years
Well, nooo idea why I'm posting this, no one ever sees photos of me XD But...I was outside and bored with a camera, so I decided to take some pics XD
thumbnails cos i don't wanna resize them and don't want links either ^^ click to make them bigger...but by warned, i'm ugly haha

Jane, you're lovely - you look a little like Katie Holmes but you're far prettier! Nice to see you, too! O0
elvis is my cavy said:
hey darky i think something wrong happened when you where setting your gender. it says male and in the pic your a girl just thought id let you know

;D You mean well, but that gave me a good laugh.

And Jane, you're very pretty.
:police: Well.... this is me! sorry for inflicting myself on you all.... WARNING... dont open in the dark Mwahahahahahhahahahahhahah hehe


woooooah thats a lot of flesh for a guinea pig forum! ;D ;D ;D

Nice to see you! :D
Awww you were soooooooooooo cute! :smitten: :smitten:

And you are veery purty now! *waves* nice to see you! :D :D :D
Thanks! i spend ages on here but keep finding new things like this thread and also the members websites how long that been there! O0 O0
katiep said:
hey Mrs Cobweb, your pics don't show!

weeeeeird.... ?

Bleh who wants to look at me anyway? ;)

Happy to see Louise, Lez, Gaile and Lizz79! ;D *waving*

Tinkerbell's missing too! :o
Hey guys here's me =]

I'm 14 turning 15 in a couple months (soon to be 1 month) :)
