Stripe and Chesney

Ah I know what you mean. That was my fear when I brought my two boys to the vet because they rumble a lot, but they got along completely fine going to and from the vet and there were no problems. If they just rumble at each other and don't fight while you're cage cleaning, they shouldn't fight on the way to the vet either 🥰 Especially if you put some hay in the carrier, that should distract them and keep them happy during the car ride (although mine were very quiet and unsure on the way there and just huddled up and didn't eat any hay for a while until they had calmed down)
I might try giving them their calming herbs I got from small pet select.
Ah I know what you mean. That was my fear when I brought my two boys to the vet because they rumble a lot, but they got along completely fine going to and from the vet and there were no problems. If they just rumble at each other and don't fight while you're cage cleaning, they shouldn't fight on the way to the vet either 🥰 Especially if you put some hay in the carrier, that should distract them and keep them happy during the car ride (although mine were very quiet and unsure on the way there and just huddled up and didn't eat any hay for a while until they had calmed down)
I changed the fleece today and only heard a little bit of rumbling, other than that they huddled close together. So I'm feeling more confident about the vet Wednesday. I can't wait for the appointment. They're getting a nail trim, too!

I haven't handled them much in the month I've had them so am going to ask the vet or tech to give me some tips on weekly health checks. I want to do everything right. Stripe doesn't like to be caught with the snuggle sack even but Chesney will be easy.

Well, they are demanding a second serving of endive so I better go provide!
I changed the fleece today and only heard a little bit of rumbling, other than that they huddled close together. So I'm feeling more confident about the vet Wednesday. I can't wait for the appointment. They're getting a nail trim, too!

I haven't handled them much in the month I've had them so am going to ask the vet or tech to give me some tips on weekly health checks. I want to do everything right. Stripe doesn't like to be caught with the snuggle sack even but Chesney will be easy.

Well, they are demanding a second serving of endive so I better go provide!

all I do each week is weigh them, body check (lumps and bump etc), check nails but don’t necessarily need to clip them.

Daily I check clean bottoms especially in summer, eye check etc
all I do each week is weigh them, body check (lumps and bump etc), check nails but don’t necessarily need to clip them.

Daily I check clean bottoms especially in summer, eye check etc
Do you check their privates?
I changed the fleece today and only heard a little bit of rumbling, other than that they huddled close together. So I'm feeling more confident about the vet Wednesday. I can't wait for the appointment. They're getting a nail trim, too!

I haven't handled them much in the month I've had them so am going to ask the vet or tech to give me some tips on weekly health checks. I want to do everything right. Stripe doesn't like to be caught with the snuggle sack even but Chesney will be easy.

Well, they are demanding a second serving of endive so I better go provide!
Aww that's great! A little manicure!
A lot of guinea pigs don't like being picked up because of their prey instinct, even if you do everything right which it sounds like you are 😊 They usually will calm down a bit once you're holding them and they realise that they're safe. Do you give them food/hay while you're holding them? Sometimes that can make them a bit calmer. I hope the vet or vet tech help!
Sir George has always mostly been very calm about being picked up but Master Boris does make it a bit of an ordeal. The little drama queen settles as soon as I have him though and now he even starts licking my neck or hand before I even sit down.
I check the gentlepig underbits every day. Master Boris used to be terrible at keeping his peepee clean but has improved his personal care now. I used lubricant gel to clean him when it was needed.
Do you check their privates?
I’ve had 10 boars in total and none of them have ever needed their privates cleaning. I only check the outside once a week but I don’t express the penis. Obviously if I ever noticed swelling or anything unusual then I would investigate. I did have an older boar with impaction so that was sorted out twice a day.
Today is the two week mark of Stripe and Chesney's bond! It is going so well. I've noticed slightly less rumbling but Stripe is a teenager so he's still strutting his stuff.

Chesney is my trusting boy, he lets me stroke his cheek. I've had Stripe longer but he's hard to catch and he doesn't like being pet.

Chesney does more popcorning and chutting, but occasionally Stripe can be seen doing these things.
On the menu: red leaf lettuce. There was an earwig in the cage this morning! Promptly removed it.

Stripe the boss is lounging, eating his hay, while Chesney chuts and dives in it.

Tomorrow at 10am is their vet visit! It's a forty minute drive.

Chez just laid down for a nap. Stripe followed suit. Time to escape without them thinking it is treat time.

On the menu: red leaf lettuce. There was an earwig in the cage this morning! Promptly removed it.

Stripe the boss is lounging, eating his hay, while Chesney chuts and dives in it.

Tomorrow at 10am is their vet visit! It's a forty minute drive.

Chez just laid down for a nap. Stripe followed suit. Time to escape without them thinking it is treat time.

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Omg earwigs are so creepy, well done on managing to remove it I would not be that brave 😭
Your boys are so cute aww their markings are gorgeous! Watching piggies eat and play in the hay is always so much fun 🥰 I hope everything goes well at the vet!
Omg earwigs are so creepy, well done on managing to remove it I would not be that brave 😭
Your boys are so cute aww their markings are gorgeous! Watching piggies eat and play in the hay is always so much fun 🥰 I hope everything goes well at the vet!
When I was seven I took their name literally and slept for a week with earmuffs over my ears! They are the creepiest. I hope they don't find their way in the cage again!
Chesney, my submissive boy, just rubbed his chin on Stripe's head and made Stripe really mad. Why did he do that?
Chesney, my submissive boy, just rubbed his chin on Stripe's head and made Stripe really mad. Why did he do that?
Was Chesney trying to dominate Stripe with this chin rub?

Vet visit today, will update with how it went!
We're back from the vet! All went well, they look good and Chesney didn't squirm but Stripe did.

Vet said Chesney may have been showing affection when he rubbed his chin on Stripe's head, but Stripe didn't want it.

When we got home the boys went in their hides but a minute later I came to check them and they were both begging, so they got half a cookie for being such good boys.
We're back from the vet! All went well, they look good and Chesney didn't squirm but Stripe did.

Vet said Chesney may have been showing affection when he rubbed his chin on Stripe's head, but Stripe didn't want it.

When we got home the boys went in their hides but a minute later I came to check them and they were both begging, so they got half a cookie for being such good boys.
That's so great! 😊
AWW bless
They sound like such sweethearts, they definitely earned that cookie! 🥰
Chesney's incisors are slanted slightly to the left. Should I be worried?

Got some great tips on handling them, will try it soon. I just don't want them to get loose and go under the furniture, but she said to keep your hand on their behind so they don't back up.

I think Chesney was the favorite because he's shaped like a ball. They thought it was cute.
Chesney's incisors are slanted slightly to the left. Should I be worried?

Got some great tips on handling them, will try it soon. I just don't want them to get loose and go under the furniture, but she said to keep your hand on their behind so they don't back up.

I think Chesney was the favorite because he's shaped like a ball. They thought it was cute.
I'm not sure about the incisors, I'm sure one of the forum's experts will be along soon.
But that's great that she gave you tips, I hope they really help!
AWW how cute 🥰 I love the silly shapes guinea pigs become 🩷
@fluffysal is correct.
A slant across the incisors can mean that they are not chewing equally with the molars. That can be because of a problem such as pain, spurs etc.

Regular (weekly) weight checks are essential for monitoring hay intake. You then switch to daily checks if there are health concerns.
Pain can stop them from eating enough hay which will show in the weight checks.

Ever since they got back from the vet, Stripe not only does his normal rumble strutting, but he has been mounting Chesney like on the first day of their bond. I hadn't seen that.

Does it have something to do with the vet visit?

Ever since they got back from the vet, Stripe not only does his normal rumble strutting, but he has been mounting Chesney like on the first day of their bond. I hadn't seen that.

Does it have something to do with the vet visit?

Possibly or just because they are young boars and it’s going to continually happen for the next year
Young boars need constant, and little change. Anything out of their ordinary such as vet trips or changes can make them revert to that unsettling of hierarchy which will then play out and they should settle down again. or it could just be a hormone spurt which happens every now and again with young boars, again will settle down again
Stripe is lounging, eating hay. I looked at his vet papers in bed last night and it was written, "nervous for the exam." Of course that was not written in Chesney's chart.

I'm going to give them the day off after the stressful vet visit then tomorrow it's lap time. I'm going to take them out with their snuggle sack and place it on my lap. Should I leave them in it at first?
I would until they are more relaxed about it. I have fleece blankets that I use for lap time that don't get washed too often (🤢)
Young boars need constant, and little change. Anything out of their ordinary such as vet trips or changes can make them revert to that unsettling of hierarchy which will then play out and they should settle down again. or it could just be a hormone spurt which happens every now and again with young boars, again will settle down again
Yes, Stripe is nipping towards Chesney when Chesney tries to get the crumbs Stripe is eating but not actually nipping him.

He just was rumble strutting then nibbled Chesney's ears and then rubbed his chin on Chesney's head, then wheeked and popcorned away to the other side of the cage.
Cleaned the cage this morning and I think they both like it as they were both popcorning. They had their endive and here they are monching hay. Unfortunately I have to work 2:30-10 tonight so they will be alone. Will check on them when I get home then go to bed.

This peaceful nap turned into a rumbling session! Although Stripe was rumbling, Chez kept following him. I don't think Stripe likes how close Chez was laying next to him.
