Show your crafts (WIP or finished)

Same! But I really do respect those that can comprehend it and create the art.

Honestly, I got taught during a Guide camp when I was 11, and I was shown how to do a round braid with 8 strings, then did them with 8 and occasionally 16 strings for about 17 years. Just on and off, when I got hold of some thread, that kinda thing. I was about 28 or 29 when I decided to look at what other options there were.

It can seem overwhelming. I think in that respect I got the best kind of start, I didn't know there were other braids out there to try, so I couldn't get confused with what I was doing. No such thing as YouTube in those days lol.
Honestly, I got taught during a Guide camp when I was 11, and I was shown how to do a round braid with 8 strings, then did them with 8 and occasionally 16 strings for about 17 years. Just on and off, when I got hold of some thread, that kinda thing. I was about 28 or 29 when I decided to look at what other options there were.

It can seem overwhelming. I think in that respect I got the best kind of start, I didn't know there were other braids out there to try, so I couldn't get confused with what I was doing. No such thing as YouTube in those days lol.
Just had to google what guide camp is. Sounds like it's similar to scouts in the US. Cool that you learned how to braid many years ago and still enjoy it.
This is a cardigan for my aunt. The button band was finished and I just have to do the edging for the rest of the neckline. I’ve also started on some socks for me. One of my pairs (can see them at the bottom of the first picture) has developed holes and is wearing thin in areas.
16483182906498471443083484803143.webptoday's block, this one was fiddly! Took the whole 2 hr lesson to get to this point and it's still not finished. One more block to go and I'll have my full 12. We talked about bordering too so I think I have that straight in my head now so that's my next step.