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IMG20240811110859.webpthe unpicker was my best friend with these. It's been a labour of love as I tried my favourite hack (attach cuffs before sewing inside leg) and also decided to do double length cuffs to get more wear out of them... Sadly that also meant when the cuffs are turned up you can see the messy stitching 🤦‍♀️ so I had to undo it all and finish the inside leg before attaching the cuffs. Added a little to the body length too as he has a long upper torso... Still plenty of growing room in them

View attachment 254610the unpicker was my best friend with these. It's been a labour of love as I tried my favourite hack (attach cuffs before sewing inside leg) and also decided to do double length cuffs to get more wear out of them... Sadly that also meant when the cuffs are turned up you can see the messy stitching 🤦‍♀️ so I had to undo it all and finish the inside leg before attaching the cuffs. Added a little to the body length too as he has a long upper torso... Still plenty of growing room in them

View attachment 254611View attachment 254612
You are so talented. Martin looks good in those 🤗
So I don't do crafts, but am working on a master's in creative writing with a focus on poetry. An abecedarian is a poem where each first letter of the line starts with a, b, c etc. this poem was published in my book (so it is copyrighted)


Ah, I’m a follower of the
Born again
Death and solitude are
Follow me to the
Here I am,
I am here, alone amongst the cherry trees.
Just because I am a woman,
Kind and fertile,
Loneliness follows me to the end.
My whole being is a nubile root,
Over the soil,
Pregnant with rain.
Que signifie la dette de la mort?
Soldiers think of me,
Taking in my beauty.
Under the soil,
Very pregnant with damp water,
Xylotomies of my flesh,
Yes, they study,
Zealous of my autopsy.
Please could a craft expert recommend a picture type frame that can frame something about say half an inch high, it's a raised picture, can't remember the proper crafty name for it but hope someone works out what I'm on about! Only ones I can find by rather erratic googling do not have glass/plastic fronts and I want a front on them.
Please could a craft expert recommend a picture type frame that can frame something about say half an inch high, it's a raised picture, can't remember the proper crafty name for it but hope someone works out what I'm on about! Only ones I can find by rather erratic googling do not have glass/plastic fronts and I want a front on them.
Do you mean a box frame? Something similar to this?
Oh thank you, that is exactly what I wanted, I had no idea it was called a shadow box, you would not believe the permutations I have been googling in an attempt to find such a thing, I would never have called it that without help!