Show Us Your Fleece!

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Thank you :)

The cow suits the sows lol XD well it does when they've got one on them!

The star fleece was from eBay, we've got that in pink as well.
Haha I know what you mean! Sows are worse than boars! :P :P I've just looked it up on Ebay :) I'll have to treat myself when I get paid! I've got tonnes to sew into liners though!
Your going to be a very busy person!

Yeap, I know boars do the humping, rumble strut, but flaming heck, the girls pee on each other, they rumble, Khaleesi tries to mount Cocoa, Cocoa chases her.. I get stressed watching them lol.
Mine are the same, my boars are the most laid back! Apart from Bumble... he's a nutter!

Yeah I have tonnes of pretty fleece that's going around on cycles so shrink then it can be sewn.
Good idea.. I'm going to suggest that to my Mum although she might tell me to knickers lol.

All our boars are nuts, but in a good way lol, Jericho is the biter... he'll bite anything, your face, fingers, chest... the nail clippers, he had a tug of war with them... he wanted to harm them with his teeth because they were clipping his nails lol.
Hahah I don't have any biters thankfully, although Lyza one of my sows will grab anything she can in a temper when she is annoyed. Not flesh though! She regularly throws objects about though and I've lost count of how many things she's pulled out of the vet nurses pocket!
:yikes: lol

There's nothing like a piggy with a strop on.

Jericho doesn't draw blood mind, it's like he's pinching you, and sometimes he'll pull your skin. He's tried it with Big E.... not good lol.. Big's got up and started rumble strutting him.
I'm up to 16 piggies now,it takes me 2 to three days to clean them.I'm thinking of changing to fleeces also.
I'm completely lost on where or what to buy though!Maybe if someone gets a bargain they could post a link to it,ebay/etc...thanks.
I'm up to 16 piggies now,it takes me 2 to three days to clean them.I'm thinking of changing to fleeces also.
I'm completely lost on where or what to buy though!Maybe if someone gets a bargain they could post a link to it,ebay/etc...thanks.
I have bought them from IKEA. Large ones for £3 and £1.74. BHS yesterday for £4.99 reduced from £9.99. ASDA direct sell them, good luck..
Here are pictures of all of my fleece for liners( I have other prints on cozies as well)
Light blue palm trees-£3 - 120cmx150cm- Primark:
Orange patterned love hearts- £6 per meter- 1mx1.5m-local sewing shop:
Pink polka dots - £2.99- 120cmx100cm- Home bargains ( came in a pack of 2 with a plain pink one):
Blue polka dots-£2.99-120cmx100cm-home bargains (came in a pack of 2 with a plain blue one):
Pink stripy-£2-150cmx120cm- a local shop:
Plain pink-£2-150cmx120cm- local shop:
Pink spotty-£2-120cmx150cm- local shop:


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Here are some more!:
Blue spotty-£2-150cmx120cm- al local shop:

Blue stripy-£2-150cmx120cm- local shop:

Plain blue-£2-150cmx120cm-local shop:
Brown/coffee spots-£2-150cmx120cm-a local shop:
Plain coffee-£2-150cmx120cm-a local shop
Pink teddy bear-£6 per meter 150 width- seeing shop:
Plain purple-£6 per meter- 150 width-sewing shop:
Plain orange-£6 per meter- 150 width-sewing shop:
Plain plush pink-£8.50-150cmx150cm- local shop:
Oh cool- I need to go shopping now!

Wow- tesco sell fleece? -NEED!
Unfortunatly I do not live near a the range I will look on their website though and see whether they deliver- same for asda but there is an asda about 1 hour away. Perhaps I will have to go on a shopping trip to asda! ( have you seen the tunnels they sell in asda? They are 99p and the rosewood guinea pig ones!)
Although it does look like there isn't loads :( I expect its because they sell more in the shops rather than online.
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