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I would get Wilson and Angus done, then Wison could get loved up with Cindy and you could get a Girlfriend for Angus, and the babies could stay together depending on the sex of them, phew!
I would get Wilson done, neutering is less risky then spaying and since the vet has done plenty of sows she should be able to do a boar with no problems. I would then try and bond Angus and the two boys (if the babies are boys). Or you could do what cavy has said. Let us know what you decide. O0
Thanks guys! :) ill def let you all know what I decide :)

Thats a great Idea! I'm so silly... I wouldnt have thought of that :)

Mum prob wont let me get more piggies... ill try to convince her ;D

I was really hoping for a big piggy group... but having only 1 girl thats impossible :(

Thanks! :)
yeh if one of the babies is a boy and one is a girl then you can get three boys done and then the baby live with the other baby and angus and a new girlfriend and cindy and wilson who i think need to be together O0 Wilson and Cindy are made for each other!
I wouldn't have Cindy spayed. I'd only have it done for medical reasons. It's a much bigger operation. Neutering a male isn't as 'deep' surgery as spaying a female. Think you need to re-arrange your set-up to avoid spaying Cindy.
[colorr][colorpurpl]How ar thy?
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Theyre doing great :)

Patchouli has got darker fur now... almost black but she still has the definate Agouti colourings... she is the oerfect mix of her mummy and daddy... but goodness knows where she got her attitude from ;D ;D

Poppy is back with his dad, who is almost ready for the long awaited visit with Cindy...
Poppy has grown into a beautiful young cream/silver Agouti... he looks just like his mum, just different colours...
He has finally got the confidence to speak up for his food... so now EVERYONE joins in in the daily wheeking show... everytime I enter the room they go off ;D iots so cute

Cindy has come back great from the pregnancy, she is her usual happy skinny self again ;D

Wilson, who got neutered 2 weeks ago is healing nicley... he lives with Poppy, they are so happy together... Wilson has become alot happier latley... he is always walking about in the cage and coming to the bars to see me... its awesome!

I dont know what to do though, Wilson was going to go with the girls and Poppy would get neutered and go with Patchouli... but we have sworn never to get another animal neutered ever again! So I guess I will just have to let Wilson go with the girls sometimes... and live with poor lonley Poppy the rest of the time :)
If only I could tell them not to make babies ;D That would be cool!

But anyway...

All is well so thats good :)
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
aww thanks....

I was on the phone to my mum a while ago and she went into the shed and rattled a plastic bag and I could hear them all :smitten: theyre so adorable!
of course :P I could never give them away :smitten:

Mum has fallen in love with them too ;D
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