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It's about time. ;D Congratulations BW, Cindy, Wilson and Angus and welcome little ones. I thought she was going to have a small litter but I thought she would have had three. The main thing is the babies are happy and healthy and that Cindy is doing O.K. too. Congratulations once again. You must be so proud. Gorgeous babies. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!AWWWWWWWWW :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

They look biiig! I hope maggs and chuckys dont come out that big...oOooOOOh the pain that must have caused!! :D

Well done and CONGRATULATIONS to Cindy, Willson you and your mum(and rest of family)!

Be careful they dont fall through the c&c grid or get their teeeny feet stuck or anything!

:smitten: :smitten: You are sooooooooooo lucky! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


I'm so happy and they are sooooooooooo CUTE!

I will miss the thread and seeing if she has done it but WOW WOW WOW WOW!

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Fabulous news!

Well done Cindy and BW!

Beautiful babies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
jenn_and_gareth said:
congratulations on your new arrivals! they are so precious.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

be glad your new, the rest of us have been filled up with frustration at waiting for the birth to happen!  ;D
awwww MINI PIGS :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: OMG i held my three as soon as theyw ere born, mummy Luna didn't mind at all- Luna bled quite a bit but she was fine.
When she aborted a littler she bled a couple of spots the next day aswell btu the vets said it was normal
awww they are cute
its amazing how they come out fully formed, fur and all :)

heres to healthy happy babies.

Hey, at last ;) Well done Cindy, B-W you must be soooo happy, congratulations :smitten: :smitten:
Oh my goodness she has actually popped at last! Congratulations! They are adorable! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Congratulations Cindy and Baby-Wilson - mummies at last! They are beautiful. You'll spend loads of time now just watching them, they're such good fun.

Why don't you think of temporary names? That's what we did. We had Fuzzy, Mouse and Foxy (now Teddy, Harvey and Jacob). It was lovely having little baby temporary names - it's good fun thinking of them too! Then you can think of permanent names as they get older and see what suits them.

Well done!
i did that with mine, although shakey became his nickname and nothing else suites him so he's called that perm now lol
my lot were first named
chess, solitaire abd stella
then magic, mystic and merlin,
then chess, stella and splash,
and then i finally stuck with Bert, Ernie and Princess Ppepper
spudnik said:
i did that with mine, although shakey became his nickname and nothing else suites him so he's called that perm now lol
That's the only problem! My husband still calls Teddy his baby name Fuzzy. But he is just one big ball of fluff so it suits him (Teddy, not hubby!)
Yay! congratulations to Cindy the mummy and BW the proud grandmother :D :D :D

/hugs x
I called Boo Boo as i wasnt sure weather he was a he or a she, just a uni sex name lol.
wow thanks everyone ;D

Theyre doing great today :)

Except the brown one has a sore eye :'( I noticed yesterday his left eye was bigger than his right eye... I thought he was fine... but today his right eye is all cloudy :'( what should I do?

I think Cindy is playing favourites :( she likes the cream one more! when ever I hold it she comes rushing out to make sure its okay... but whenever I hold the brown one she just snuggles with the cream one...

P.S..... I keeo referring to the babies as if theyre boys... I'm not sure of the sex yet but I keep accidently calling them boys ;D sorry everyone
Hi love
Awwww mini's doing good, um i'm sure there's a thread on here about a cloudy eye, i think Shaz posted it?
Do a search see what you come up with

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: for all the furbabies
Thanks Glynis :)

I got more piccies.......



Here is the brown one... he is like a mix between mum and dad... brown agouti like Cindy and teddy like Wilson :)



Here is the Cream one :smitten: loos just like mummy... except its a diff colour ;D



Here are the bubs in there box :smitten:





And hereis Cindy and the bubs just running around and having fun ;D


Here is a pic of the bubs... sorry its not too good
I just had a quick look at their tiny lil bits...

To me it looks like it would be.......

Cream: Male
Choc: Female

I could be wrong... I hope theyre both girls ;D theyre so lovley!
Wilson loves them both ;D
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