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Yay thankyou Hils! :)

I am sooo happy... I was shocked when I saw them thismorning! Mum and I just cried and Cried! lol
Ooh cream agouti ^-^ lol

The brown teddy looks like it has a lighter stripe just ehindits ear :smitten:

Their ears are so huge too! ;D They look like Dumbo the flying elephant ;D
Ahh, I'm so pleased for you BW, congratulations! And I was a day off but never mind - had the right amount though! It was so nice to check the thread this morning and see that she had had them O0 Well done Cindy, oh - and Wilson (musn't forget the Dad ;D)

Have you decided on any names yet?
Thanks :smitten: Wison looks a bit freaked out... think where all these new pigs are coming from ;D

Havent got any names yet... I want to determine their sex first... wich is very hard at the moment... there bits are SOOO tiny ;D
There is a thread somewhere BW that describes all the Agouti colours.....might be worth a look?
Will do... thanks!

I just had a closer look... the 'silver' one does look a bit more like a cream... but we will have to see lol

Thanksyou everyone!
Well done Cindy and congratulations. :smitten:

Wow I am so happy for you, well done Cindy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
at long last thought she was doing an elephants 22 months on us , the babys are hugh no wonder poor mum was still bleeding def think one is a cream agouti marley had 2 silver agoutis in jan and they look so different to your bub , have you thought of names yet its a wonderful feeling isn't it becoming a piggy mum, well done Cindy and of course Wilson , enjoy them and get lots of pics as they grow so fast :smitten: :smitten:
Thankyou everyone :smitten:

Havent got names yet... I want to sex them first... I havent got a clue if we have boys or girls yet are thier bits sre so tiny ;D

I think it is a cream agouti :smitten: I had a closer look just before!

I had a feeling she would do it last night lol

Mum thinks the teddy will be a boy and the cream agouti will be a girl :) I'm hoping for both girls... but either way :)

I love them so much! Theyre so tiny!
;D thankyou everyone!

This morning when I made this thread Nobody was on... ;D

Theyre so cute!! lol I cant believe it theyre actually here... I'm so happy :)
I know you havent decided on any names yet but do you have ideas for them if their girls or if their boys?
I have a whole list... I think I'm going to do a herb theme... as Cindy's full name is Cinnamon :)

Ill find the list for you :)
Wahoooooo Go iny! :smittn: :smittn: Th babis ar gorgous thy look just lik thir Mum :smittn: :smittn:

[colorr]oncratulations BW
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More Pics, More Pics, More Pics! ;D I bet you are proud. Congrats again! :smitten: ;) :)

LMBO, I had 35 emails this morning from the subscription of this thread! ;D
can Cindy yell a few words to Amazon,I dont think she wants to part with them :o
Oh my gosh! 1 day after blossom too! :O:O:O

oooo my she looked bigger than blossom and blossom had 4!

Congratulations! Awwwh they look lovely babies!
Congratulations Cindy and Wilson . . . that pic of Cindy with the two littlies made a tear come to my eye :smitten: :smitten: She is the proudest mum in the world and quite rightly, they are beautiful! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

You must be happy and relieved all went well! :-* :-* to the new family
Thanks everyone :smitten:
Ill get more pics tomorow... I'm going to bed now so I might even be up before noon ;D

Aww poor Amazon! Good luck hunni... Last night I got everyone to wish Cindy Luck and it worked ;D she had them this morning ;D

Ill def get her to send mothing vibes to Amazon for you Shaz :smitten:

I am soo relieved ;D lol And she did it 5 days before her time was up :) lol
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