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Percy’s turn 😢

He’s been admitted for fluids and more medication. I’m not sure how much more he can take. Bless him. But he’s been given a final chance.
I just don’t understand why he isn’t recovering.

Any advice welcome. I think the vets may be calling me later. Is there anything anyone can think of that I can mention.

I understand if it’s his time it’s his time. But I need to know we tried everything.
I hope anyone here comes with an idea.
I wish I could help you.
We we all keep our fingers and paws crossed for you and Percy :hug:❤️
I’m sorry to hear Percy is struggling. I don’t have any advice, but my fingers are crossed for him.
I just don’t understand why he isn’t recovering.

Any advice welcome. I think the vets may be calling me later. Is there anything anyone can think of that I can mention.

I understand if it’s his time it’s his time. But I need to know we tried everything.
All I can suggest is maybe giving him tramadol (pain relief)in addition to loxicom. The combination really made a big difference to a pig i had with an inflamed bladder.
Keeping everything crossed for Percy xx
Maybe increase pain meds tramadol,gabepentin.emeraid ic is much easier to feed.shouldbe used for no more than ten days as the only feed.it helped very much with my post op piggies.I'm so sorry Percy is so unwell.maybe go back to vets each day for sub cut fluids,and emperid.it so hard for you and piggie sitter and you.xx
Oh no. So sorry to hear this, how gutting and how stressful. You, and your friend and the vets really went the extra mile to try to help the lovely Percy. It’s so heartbreaking when it ends like this. He had a good life with you and you should be proud. Take care of yourselves.
I just can’t believe he couldn’t get better. The vet scanned him and said there was nothing in his tummy that was abnormal. No blood. No blockage. It was just a very bad reaction to the anaesthetic.
I’m so sorry :(

We also lost one of our sweet sensitive little boys after bladder stone surgery. His body just couldn’t quite recover from it all :(

Sleep tight little Percy.
I’m so sorry :(

We also lost one of our sweet sensitive little boys after bladder stone surgery. His body just couldn’t quite recover from it all :(

Sleep tight little Percy.
I’m sorry for your loss too. Its heartbreaking.
I’m so sorry @weepweeps that You’ve lost Percy, so sad you did everything you could have done and he will have known just how much you loved him x
Sleep tight little Percy 🌈