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Percy’s turn 😢

I’ve got Percy back in at the vets at 4.30 today for a check up. He’s not moving around at all. The nurse said he should be up and moving about by this afternoon. So I want to get him checked out before handing him over to @Piggie sitter this evening. He’s not had too much critical care as he just stops swallowing after about 2.5ml. I’ve fed him at 8, 10.30, 12.30 just going to do another lot now. 🤞 he’s ok.
He’s had 40ml of fluids injected under his skin. He’s had injections of emeprid, baytril and loxicom so we won’t have to mess him around this evening or tomorrow morning with those medications. He also had a new injection for nausea and abdomen pain called vetemex. That lasts 24 hours. So now we just have to make sure he eats for the next 24 hours. If there is no improvement she said there is nothing else to do for him 😢

Come on Percy get well for mummy. ❤️
Come on Percy, you know you want to munch on some yummy food! ❤️
As the day has gone on he’s gotten worse again. So he was back at the vets at 4.45. They have given him all the same medications as yesterday. They said his bladder doesn’t feel tight so isn’t blocked. The vet said he isn’t any worse than yesterday but is certainly no better either. Not really moving at all. We are trying absolutely everything we can. I am so worried for him.
So sorry to hear this- you’re trying all you can and it must be such a worry. I hope things turn around soon for him.