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Percy’s turn 😢

If he is not a great drinker it might also be worth wetting the veggies too 😊
He’s home and he’s had his medication. And a little grass. He’s too drugged to syringe feed yet as he’s not swallowing properly. We are going to give him some food at about 9.30 once he’s woken up a bit.

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It takes a while for the drugs they've given to work their way out. The Ever Beautiful Betsy (RB Piggy) was as high as a kite for at least 36 hours following her spay. It didn't stop her from eating. It was a struggle to syringe feed her in the first 12 hours after though. After that she was a piggy possessed! I've never had a piggy who downed 30ml of syringe feed in about 5 minutes! It was as if she had never eaten in her life before. It didn't even touch the sides! Lets hope Percy is like this.
It takes a while for the drugs they've given to work their way out. The Ever Beautiful Betsy (RB Piggy) was as high as a kite for at least 36 hours following her spay. It didn't stop her from eating. It was a struggle to syringe feed her in the first 12 hours after though. After that she was a piggy possessed! I've never had a piggy who downed 30ml of syringe feed in about 5 minutes! It was as if she had never eaten in her life before. It didn't even touch the sides! Lets hope Percy is like this.
I hope so. That would be amazing.
I asked if he’d been eating ok today at the vets and they said no not really. 😟
Phoebe acted as if she was drunk when she came home after an anaesthetic and took a while to want to eat.
I offered her some shredded lettuce, some grated carrot and some raw oats before she would accept the syringe feed.
If Percy is still too sleepy to be fed this evening is it ok to leave him until morning? He has hay right in front of him so he could eat if he wanted too.
Also the nurse told me that he was cold when he came around from the anaesthetic so had to be heated up.

I’ve popped a little fleece on him and he’s relaxed a bit and led down.

He’s moved out from under the fleece so maybe he’s not cold now. I just wanted to make sure.
Glad your boy is home safe. I would pop heat pad in with him, then he can use it if he chooses.
I asked if he’d been eating ok today at the vets and they said no not really. 😟
Its not unusual for them to not eat much at the vets as they are in a strange environment but if he has still eaten nothing for himself this evening I would give him a little syringe food, just to help his guts keep moving.
My piggy Arthur had the same operation just a few weeks ago, it can be a worrying time but he has recovered really well, so I'm sure Percy will do too x
Once after Toffee was put under anaesthetic, it took her many hours to really wake up. She spent most of this time laying on my body to keep her warm. But she was very attached to me, so this didn't cause her any stress.
Not talking about my stress being hardly able to move for many hours. :cool:
He seems ok this morning. I’ve had him out for a cuddle and some syringe food 5ml and 1ml of water. He ate some grass and a bit of celery and coriander. He’s weed and poop in the night so alls good.

He is a bit pale. I’ve popped him back in the snuggle sack and I’ll go and find my snuggle safe now.

His cheeks are soaking wet. He is literally crying tears is this normal? He’s not crying in out in pain just tears. Also one of his ears is swollen. It’s like a water filled balloon. Anyone know what that is? It’s not red and there are no marks on it. It just looks like a water filled blister. Very odd.
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He seems ok this morning. I’ve had him out for a cuddle and some syringe food 5ml and 1ml of
Water. He ate some grass and a bit of celery and coriander. He’s weed and poop in the night so alls good.

He is a bit pale. I’ve popped him back in the snuggle sack and I’ll go and find my snuggle safe now.

His cheeks are soaking wet. He is literally crying tears is this normal? He’s not crying in out in pain just tears. Also one of his ears is swollen. It’s like a water filled balloon. Anyone know what that is? It’s not red and there are no marks on it. It just looks like a water filled blister. Very odd.
When Ted had a GA dental once his eyes afterward seemed very watery/teary the following day I think it might be the GA that causes it. Not sure about the ear, if you have any concerns can you ring them and ask.
Glad he has had a little bit of food,if you can keep topping him up with a few mls every couple of hours to get his tummy working properly again
Good he is back home now and eating bits for himself too, 🤞 for a speedy recovery x
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Ohh it’s very good news he is eating, hope he will be his old self soon ☺️
I don’t know why his ear could be swollen, I would ask the vet if it’s normal.
Just for your own pease off mind
The nurse just called to check up on him. She didn’t know anything about the tears or the ear so just said to keep an eye on him.

Sods law I can’t find my snugglesafes anywhere. 🙄
The nurse just called to check up on him. She didn’t know anything about the tears or the ear so just said to keep an eye on him.

Sods law I can’t find my snugglesafes anywhere. 🙄
Have you a hot bottle bottle you could use instead and wrap in some fleece or a towel