Pepper & Pringles Thread

He is It going to take lightly to not having it, I will be sure to do it slowly, if he can’t maintain his weight with a nebuliser then he will be staying on it but I figured it’s worth a try!
Hope it helps you get better Pepper! Dennis hated being locked in piggy prison Nebuliser even though he did get a yummy treat while in there. Hope Slave is giving you airline snacks while you're having to be nebulised.

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No airline snacks this time! But some coriander will be provided next time… no eyes masks and socks though it isn’t business class 😂
No airline snacks this time! But some coriander will be provided next time… no eyes masks and socks though it isn’t business class 😂

Don't worry Pepper,Thea is on the case and is here to help!

Dear Pepper

I understand that you are having to endure Piggy Prison while you are having Nebuliser Treatment. I've also heard that you are getting no Airline Snacks! That is disgraceful! What sort of Slave do you have providing nothing to eat? What does she expect you to do while you're in piggy prison? Doesn't she realise that it's dead boring? You can hardly read a book or play cards can you? How does she expect you to pass the time? At the moment, she is building your time up from 10 minutes to half an hour. 10 minutes with nothing to do and nothing to eat is bad enough, but half an hour?!? Not even any hay? A former resident of The Granny Annexe at Betsy Towers (who I was never fortunate enough to meet) had to endure Piggy Nebuliser Prison but he got lots of hay and Airline Snacks while he was enduring his imprisonment and he still didn't like to go in his box.

Next time your Slave attempts to put you in your Nebuliser box, create merry Hell. Don't let her pick you up and don't be fooled by the "hidey trick". Wheak your alarm wheak so that Pringle knows you are upset and then he can join in as well. Nip your Slave when she has eventually caught you (usually the GPU doesn't agree with nipping but we do realise there are extenuating and exceptional circumstances). Make it really difficult for your Slave to put you in the box by wriggling hard and doing your best to make your Slave know you are really unhappy. Unfortunately, you will have to relent after a while as you clearly need the treatment in order to get better, but there is no harm in making your Slave realise that you aren't happy about it. Hopefully, your stupid Slave will grasp the fact that you need more Airline Snacks than a bit of Coriander!

Yours hoping that yummy Airline Snacks are in the offing.

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward.
Have you tried/asked the vet about Bisolvon decongestant for respiratory symptom management @rp1993 ?
Its a prescription powder medicine that tastes quite sweet, it's something like a piggy version of lemsip with inhaler meds, you sprinkle on food.
Blodwen who has long term respiratory issues with some lung scarring, does really well with Bisolvon- no damp floofy fur or being shut in a box, it's just sachets of prescription powder to sprinkle on cucumber (or grapes, Blod likes Bisolvon grape halves, I think sometimes she just pretends to be wheezy to get the bisolvy grapes) :)
Have you tried/asked the vet about Bisolvon decongestant for respiratory symptom management @rp1993 ?
Its a prescription powder medicine that tastes quite sweet, it's something like a piggy version of lemsip with inhaler meds, you sprinkle on food.
Blodwen who has long term respiratory issues with some lung scarring, does really well with Bisolvon- no damp floofy fur or being shut in a box, it's just sachets of prescription powder to sprinkle on cucumber (or grapes, Blod likes Bisolvon grape halves, I think sometimes she just pretends to be wheezy to get the bisolvy grapes) :)
I haven’t no, funnily enough someone else mentioned their pig was on that and nebulising just yesterday I haven’t heard of that before. He seems okay with the nebulising, but the next time we go to the vets I will ask about it, as that’s what pepper has scarring, she did say he sounds a lot better than he did three months ago on one dose of Metacam a day.
Dear Pepper

I hope you have done as I have suggested. Please report back as to whether you had any Airline Snacks when your miserly Slave forced you into your Nebuliser Box Prison tonight. The GPU also need to know if Pringle helped you to get better treatment by your Slave.

Yours in comradeship

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
Dear Thea

You will be glad to hear Slave has given me an assortment of airline snacks whilst I have been in prison.. I have had veggies including coriander and pepper and some delicious forage. I’m still not sure about this box but if I can get snacks maybe it isn’t too bad!

Dear Pepper

I am in deep mourning after losing Lexi 5 days ago, but I thought I'd right to you to congratulate you on succeeding to get yummy airline snacks while in your nebuliser box. Keep up the good work!

Your friend who is missing Lexi

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward