Moses and Miriam

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Miriam - isn’t she so beautiful 🤩
She had just been put back in the cage after her weight check so hadn’t yet gone into hiding. She’s put on some weight since last week so I’m reassured that she is eating well.

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If you look very closely the black void next to Miriam’s golden bum has 2 eyes.
What you can’t see is 2 cute little black front paws out in front of his face.

They are still very shy and skittish but a short cuddle time and piggy whisper techniques will slowly win them round.
In case no-one has realised I am completely besotted with these 2.

It is unusual for a piggy to have four coat colours. She is very striking indeed! ❤️
They sit so nice together in the basket.

Stripe likes to be held in a snuggle sack, too, whereas Chez doesn't even like that. Before Stripe comes home I'm thinking of getting rid of the chair to have a playpen for Chez, then we can have some bonding time.

Moses seems like a gentleman with Miriam.
He is truly a gentle pig - they have a very close bond
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Miriam doing her impression of a tortoise.
The carrot cottage has been wandering 😁

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Moses doesn’t like the stalks down the middle of a lettuce leaf so he carefully eats round it and then leaves the stalk for Miriam.

Still easily startled but Miriam has taken a leaf from my hand and they both come out to eat when I’m in the room with them.
Awww they are beautiful and they are clearly starting to settle in. Well done x
They’re both gaining some weight - poop output is very impressive!
They will tolerate being held in their snuggle pouch which reminds me of Phoebe.
Cage cleaned too. I’ve ordered a new 6x2 for them which will be much easier for me to clean and hopefully give them better playing space.
Over the moon today when I put them back in the cage and instead of diving into the fleece tunnel to hide they both gave the cage a good checking over and moved the hay to a better place 😅
Miriam popcorned and Moses sort of hopped.
They also started chattering quietly, wheeking and purring.
This is new as they’ve both been very quiet, except Moses purring a lot.
They both seem very happy piggies ♥️

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Meet Moses - a very cute black teddy

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And Miriam - a beautiful smooth haired tri colour

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They joined the family yesterday from The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue.
They had been dumped in woods near Lyme in Cheshire, rescued and nursed back to health.
Moses was neutered and now is safely living with Miriam.
They have a really lovely bond.

At the moment they are still very skittish so I’m just talking to them, sitting with them and waiting for them to settle.
In time there will be more photos.

The house feels complete now that we have piggies again.
Awww... So sweet and beautiful! Very happy for you, and them! How are they doing, one month in?
Of course they are happy, they are living their best lives with you 😊. Just wait until they realise that they have you wrapped around they their little fingers
Over the moon today when I put them back in the cage and instead of diving into the fleece tunnel to hide they both gave the cage a good checking over and moved the hay to a better place 😅
Miriam popcorned and Moses sort of hopped.
They also started chattering quietly, wheeking and purring.
Those little things! Lovely to read, such a nice reminder of what it's like with new pigwigs. My veterans fear nothing and think they run the place :gp:
Yesterday evening we were on a Zoom call. Behind us we could hear the Moses and Miriam munching and moving around. Lots of purring and rumbling as well as wheeking quietly.
They may not feel completely comfortable with the humans yet but they are very happy together. Even my husband commented on how happy they sound.
New cage arrives tomorrow so a busy day reorganising the study to accommodate it and find new space for hays, bedding etc.
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The new cage is installed and already the furniture has been rearranged!
They seem to like the length to run down.
Miriam showed me how she does the circuit. Out of her corner tunnel, through the 2 wooden bridges, behind the carrot cottage and into the 3way tunnel.
This has now been folded around the carrot cottage they can go in from the back and out at the front.

IMG_1489.webp You can just see Miriam’s cute little nose.

No clue where Moses is - probably under the pile of hay 😁
Miriam has found her voice !
Today when I put veggies in the cage she was at the opposite end of the cage and ran, wheeking, to get her share.
They have slowly begun to wheek and purr much more.
Moses has an amazing range of purring sounds - I’ve never had a piggy like him .
He has some really good rumbles and strutting moves too.
Although they don’t want human interaction they are clearly much more confident and very happy.